Part 2: Adjusting

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Sorry for the delay of this chapter. Probably the biggest problem to get through before we start to get to the good stuff in this series. Also, I was busy because I finally got DMC 5 and I cant stop to playing it.


Excerpt of a report on Dante Redgrave:

Arguably the strongest hunter of our day. Dante Redgrave is noted for being the only person to attend Beacon as a solo student. Despite this, he has shown great success in his missions despite a general lack of care for schoolwork. He managed to triumph over Team STRQ in his last three years at Beacon in the finals of the Vytal Festival. Not much is known about his past life before his attending the Academy.



Nero shot bolt upright in his bed and smacked the loud object next to him, which unlike an alarm clock, shouted, "FUCK!"

The new student shook his head and looked around, remembering he just got to Beacon the day before.

What I don't remember, he growled while rubbing the sides of his head, was buying a stupid ass alarm clock.

He glared towards the floor to see V's demon chicken getting up onto its feet while his master also woke up.

"Come on, take a joke asshole!" Griffon seethed at the white haired youth. Nero rolled his eyes and slid off his bed.

"Your bird usually like this?"

"I'm sorry for his uncouth behavior. It can't be helped," V apologized.

"As long as he isn't always out alarm clock, I'll manage."

"Up yours, asshole," Griffon dispersed as Nero threw on his uniform haphazardly, leaving his collar and tie disheveled.

"Now then," V picked up his book, "I suppose we could head to breakfast since we don't have classes today. I'll introduce you to my friends."


"What's with the sling? Why's your hair white? Do you like pancakes or waffles more? What's your weapon? Oooooooh, maybe it's a cool hammer or something!" Nora was barraging Nero with questions. Team RWBY had yet to arrive, but JNPR was already at their usual table. V had taken the liberty of having Nero introduce himself. Unfortunately, the hammer-wielding ginger immediately wanted to know everything about him.

"Nora, please, I think you might be annoying him," Ren warned her as Nero glared across the table.

"Hehe...sorry," she sheepishly apologized before devouring her pancakes at a speed that surprised the white-haired newcomer.

"Is she always this hyperactive?" he whispered aside to V.

"No. Sometimes she's worse," V chuckled to the groaning of his new teammate.

"Oh hey, V! What's up?" Yang ask as she and the rest of Team RWBY walked up with their trays.

"Good morning Yang. I'd like you to meet my new teammate, Nero," the black haired youth clapped said person on the shoulder.

Nero broke out into a wide grin, "Long time, no see, Xiao Long."

"Oh boy, this'll be good," Yang chuckled at seeing him, looking down to her little sister who had just caught up to the group.

"Hey, why aren't we sitting—" the red head began before her eyes landed on Nero. She suddenly bolted across the table and tackled him with a hug.

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