End of Story A/N

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Aaaaaand that's Volume 2! I'll start working on Volume 3 soon, but I won't give a concrete release date yet. Hope you guys enjoyed.

If anyone was confused by William Blake, he's basically an OC in this story that will share the name of the poet from real life. In the RWBY universe, the character is V's adopted father (he named V "Victor," as has been referenced before in these first two books). He wrote basically any poetry V loves to quote. More shit will be explained down the line about V's unknown past before Will took him in and about Will himself since I don't want to give too much away.

Also, for a semi-sneak peak of the next book, the current working title for it is "Falling."

If you guys have any ideas for titles, I'm open to suggestions (though that doesn't necessarily guarantee any of them becoming the title. I just want some more ideas since I don't really know what I want to call it)

Anyway, I'll see all you beautiful people later. Have a happy and safe spook month!

Devil Bringer (working on revisions)Where stories live. Discover now