Chapter 1: A New Begining

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Song for this chapter ^^^ <3

Time. You never know when your time will run out. When your life will be over or when your time with those you love will come to an end. My time was 17 years, thats how long I had until my time ended with my parents. 17 years and then I had to move to a different state and begin again.

The blue and red flashing lights cloud my mind every time I close my eyes, they were the last thing I saw before my world changed forever. From then on there was only pain and a hole in my heart that used to be full of love. You think you will be prepared because you will have most of your life to come to terms with the fact that you will suffer such a loss but I couldn't have been more unprepared. They knocked at the door just after 7pm their faces full of pity.

They constantly repeated the phrase, "we are sorry for your loss," they were sorry. What did that do? My whole world had come undone and all I had ever known was gone.

My parents were my best friends, you see they had kept me home schooled my whole life. So I never really had friends, the only friend I had was our neighbours son, Brodie but he moved away with hid family 5 years ago and we haven't spoken since.

After the news of my parents I had to move away to live with my aunt who lived in California. I hated leaving because this was the place my parents lived and I had so many memories with them here. The countless summers in our garden, trips to the zoo or the aquarium. The concerts I would attend with my dad or the shopping trips with my mum. All those memories where here not in California. I never liked change, we moved house when I was 5 and I cried for a week. How would I react to moving to a different state?

The day I came to California I didn't speak, my aunt tried to get through to me but the loss was still so raw. I didn't what to say or do. I just sat in my new room with unfamiliar furniture and I stayed there. I didn't eat or sleep much, until one day my aunt came into my room, stood in front of me and spoke the words that were the first step of my new life.

"Your parents wouldn't want you to be this way. They would want you to live your life to the fullest. We must always remember them because they were so special and the best parents but we also have to live not only for ourselves but live for them."

It seemed to register with me because from then on I got up every morning even when I didn't want to, I ate and slept. I even laughed and ever so often I cried, I cried alone though whenever it was quiet and no one was around.

I continued to live my life but I never forgot them. Every night I would look at a picture of them both and tell them, "goodnight." I would tell mum any worries I had and would talk endlessly about my newly developed celebrity crushes. I would talk to dad about  all our favourite bands and artists and play their songs for him and ever so often read out the lyrics to the songs I had written.

As the weeks went on the grief was still there but I was able to get through it better. The pain was becoming numb and the sleepless nights ended. My aunt was amazing and if it hadn't been for her I wouldn't have been able to carry on. She kept me busy all summer, helping her with her work or doing things around the house. I painted and wrote songs, I always had something to do so that I was never bored. And soon enough it was the week before school began again.

"Kayla, come downstairs sweatheart!" I stood from my desk, laying my pen on my notebook gently before walking out of my room. Going downstairs I smiled, something that I had began to do again.

I smiled at the sun that shone through the window above the front door. I loved days that were blue sky's and sunshine. The days when I could just sit doing the things I loved with the weather being happy with me.

Going into the living room my aunt was seated on the sofa. She usually worked on  Fridays so I was curious as to why she wasn't at her desk typing away like usual.

"Kay, I wanted to talk to you about your schooling." I took a seat in the armchair opposite the sofa and look at my aunt who seemed nervous.

"What about it?" I asked giving her a small smile. She puts her hands together and places them on her lap, a gesture she would normally do when in a business meeting.

"I realise that your parents have home schooled you since you were a child but I think it would benefit you greatly if you spent your senior year with others your age. I have enrolled you into a really lovely high school, where you will be able to meet new people." I could feel the beads of sweat forming on my forehead.

I had never experienced high school I had only ever watched movies or read books and from them I didn't like what it was portrayed to be. There was too many people and you never know who to trust. And has anyone ever really thought, why are those halls are so long?

"Auntie Izzy, please you don't understand I won't do well in high school. I can't be around that many people and I won't be comfortable. And-"

"Kayla there will be no debating, I have to do what I feel is right and what is best for you. I will not have you be isolated from everything and everyone around you. You will be going to Braidstone high next week and you will try to do well there. I am here for you always and I just want to help you. This will be a good experience Kayla."

I blinked and I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. I understood that she was just trying to help but this will never work. High school has nothing to offer me.

Nothing good will come from this. 


Sorry the first chapter is so short they will get longer haha.

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