My Brothers Best Friend - Merlin Santana

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This was a rushed mess, but I really missed you guys. I know y'all like how this bitch just disappear on us. But I'm back, at least for now. Enjoy this short unedited piece of trash of a chapter 😭 Clearly there will be a part two 💖

I danced around the kitchen, shaking my ass to Jeeps, Lex Coupes, Bimaz & Benz by the Lost Boyz as I held my wooden cooking spoon in my hand. If you knew me, you knew I loved me some Lost Boyz. They were all ugly as fuck, but their music was too bomb. Ever since my brother turned me on to them, that's all I had been listening to lately.

Speaking of my big brother,  Darryl would be coming back from Morehouse sometime today for the start of his Spring Break. I adored my brother and I missed him a whole lot. Since he had started his Junior year, I almost never saw him anymore except for holidays and school breaks. He had chosen to go to school in Atlanta, while I stayed home in Chicago due to our families financial problems.

The smoke alarm blared and I gasped mid twerk, remembering I had food cooking on the stove. I ran over to it attempting to turn my grits off. "Shitttt, ughhhh" I groaned, as black smoke billowed out of the burnt pot. Of course at that exact moment, the door clicked and Darryl burst through holding his suitcase. Operation 'Captain save a sis' was back in business. It never failed, he always caught me when I was fucking something up. "Damn girl, what you burning up in here?" He shouted over the shrieking of the smoke alarm. 

"I wasn't burning anything, at least intentionally. If you must know, I was cooking us breakfast & got carried away dancing." I grinned, as he engulfed me in a bear hug. He twisted his face up at the burnt  runny mess in the pot & tossed the whole thing out.

"I think you should let me handle the cooking Mylene, you can't be good at everything. You trying to poison me already, I just got home."  Darryl jokingly shook his head at me.

"I missed you sis" he sang as he gave me a noogie. I slapped him on the back of the head & fixed my mussed hair. His freckled face lifted into a goofy smile as I pulled him into another much needed embrace. Nobody gave better hugs than D.

Someone started banging a beat loudly against the door interrupting our embrace & I grimaced at the childishness I knew I was about to endure.  I didn't know who it was, but I knew I was in for some foolishness. Like, who makes beats when they knock on doors anymore?

I raised my eyebrow at Darryl because he hadn't informed me of any company coming over. This was supposed to be our week to spend together, just the two of us. "Oh shit, I bought Merlin home with me. I hope that's okay, he didn't have anywhere else to go." 

"Santana?" I asked & he nodded. My heart fluttered at the mention of his name, but I ignored it and placed a frown on my face to keep up the charade. We'd never gotten along as far as Darryl knew, and there was no reason for him to think otherwise. As far as I was concerned this time wouldn't be any different.

"Be nice to my nigga. I know how you can get when you're fired up." Darryl poked me in the side and I sent him a playful glare, as he jogged to get the door.

"You know how I can get?!.. look D, you just worry about him. You better tell him don't start with me because I won't hesitate to beat his ass if he does."  I huffed. Darryl gave me an annoyed look that was telling me 'shut up' before he opened the door.

The boys did their obnoxious handshake routine before hugging like they hadn't just seen each other at school a few hours ago. And he called me the drama queen?! Pshhh. Please.

After Merlin tossed his bags on the floor and walked into our small apartment, his eyes met mine for a split second. A grin spread across his face as he walked over to me. "Don't tell me this is lil sis. You're a lot cuter than I remember from last summer." He grinned and I put my hand in his face (talk to the hand style). "You're not. Still the same old annoying ass nigga from my reoccurring nightmares." I folded my arms over my ample chest and he smirked.

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