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Hey 💖💖💖

Friendship has become more important than family relationships. It is not easy to have them we can say that we are lucky. Sometimes we even think that friendship is more important thant our family because family we have every day but friendships  - no.

However,  family is more important because we can alway rely on family members even in hard times. Friendship may short lasting you can make friends with your hight school mates from school or people you just happen to meet. When you have to change jobs or moving from a place everthink change.

Nevertheless, it is good to have friend because we meet family members every day and know them really well .

So we sometimes spend more time with them than with family 
However, when one of our friends diagree us. We are reminded of family.

To condude, i think that friendship can't become more important thant family.


Ok my friends reponder moi se question dans le commentaire je vous souhaite une trés bonne lecture et vous oubliez pas de voter Mercie.  D'accord je commence à vous demandez la question même vous me repondez en français si vous voulez ok bon chance

«Do you think friends are more important than family ? Why or  why not

À votre avis mes chers amies je vous aime bisous😘😘😘😘💖💖💖💖

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