14. Al-Ghafur

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        The All- and Oft-Forgiving

O Allah, Al-Ghafur, we know that You forgive, cover, and protect us continuously.


Ya Allah! You are Al Ghafur – the One who forgives. Ya Allah !Forgive our sins, the first and the the last , the hidden  and the apparent. -Ameen

Ya Ghafur’enable us to keep turning to You seeking forgiveness. -Ameen

Ya Allah! Conceal our shortcomings in this life and on the Day of Judgement, protect us from the effects of our sins, and aid us to be forgiving to others. -Ameen!

Let's us memorise it, Inshaallah.


1. Ar-Rahman,The All Compassionate
2. Ar-Rahim, The All Merciful
3. Al-Malik, The Absolute Ruler
4. Al-Quddus, The Pure One
5. As-Salam, The Source of Peace
6. Al-Mu'min,The Inspirer of Faith
7. Al-Muhaymin,The Guardian
8. Al-Aziz, The Victorious
9. Al-Jabbar, The Compeller
10. Al-Mutakabbir, The Greatest
11. Al-Khaliq, The Creator
12. Al-Bari', The Maker of Order
13. Al-Masawwir, The Shaper of Beauty
14. Al-Ghafur, The Forgiver and Hider of Faults

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