[first, I want to say this is under heavy editing. And the next chapter will make way more sense, and will be more interesting.]
I walked down the hallways, my hair pinned up high, my wavy black hair falling down at my shoulder. My navy blue sweater, and keen high shirt. I watched as everyone around me smiled, I couldn't help but return the favor. I grew up here in this small town. Otherwise known as landscape #1234, we were a great Community with our Technology [notes; we no longer have states, more of villages around the world that hold certain amounts of people.] more advanced then others. We've always had new comers to the area, and with the news went the olds.
Someone interrupted my thoughts causing me to stop mid tracks, when I looked up it was my math teachers bot #190, it's body was.. Or well, looked to be human. But it was the furthest thing from that word. Bot #190, began talking about how I wasn't paying attention again. But I mean, who would want to look at a creepy human like Machine teach you about algebra? Plus, our school tads lights were way to bright for me, making it 1,000 times worse for because, I already have glasses.
[notes;School tads, are like iPads, that you would use in school. But highly Advanced, and the screen is attached to the desk.]
"Yes, sir. I do, in fact understand what your saying and I've been doing my best with keeping up. I hope you'd give me a chance, I'll do better." I said, looking at the ground. I hated talking like that.
The white rubber face nodded, and took heavy steps the other way. I sighed, and looked up from the ground I have always hated those things. But, we needed them. Sadly enough, I understood why because we didn't have enough of a population left. When world war three, happened we lost many. With us, and and other country's firing at each other. We went to far, killed half the planet. After 600 years, we still haven't gotten better. We have 1230, humans and growing. and well, I don't know about the amount of them. They weren't humans, disease and radiation got to them. Making them, either mad, or "supernaturals" as we call them. Some people from The Fall Out, could adapt to the war fair there DNA, somehow being compatible with the disease.
Although we still have no idea about how in hell some could take on the disease, and others couldn't. We did know that the disease could do different things to others, making you one, want to drink, or even eat a other human. Two, you could turn into animals, or we calls these 'shifters.' It's the only one we could have named. Because the Supernaturals, aren't very humane and some are mad. But, with the new ages they were evolving, becoming more, and more human like. Some even stared to make a Community, were they lived and taught others to be more etiquette, and perhaps make them see things other ways than just killing.
So far, it's been working as they've been working on everyone in a giant castle, east of here and 18 hours away. We were the closest Village to them, meaning we could be attacked first or we could always know the changes with them first. With the remaining of the government, of course we had back up. If they did indeed Attack, but they hadn't been so bad lately we've had only one killing this year. The best it's been in years, if you ask me.
The Supernaturals ➹
AdventureKelly, the definition of prefect, or 'Golden girl'. But, what happens when she learns the world wasn't always like this? When you didn't have to hide at night, or have special contacts to tell if you're human or not. A time when you were allowed to...