In the beginning

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So what was there in the beginning? And what even is the beginning of my story? Is it at my birth? Or is it somewhere further along the line? I guess I'll just start at the time I have my first and very fond memories of, my elementary school.

My elementary school was a Christian one. Not a very strict one in the sense of following the religion, however, we were taught to behave and treat each other with respect by following examples from the Bible. Honestly, it was a great school with some of the best teachers I've had in my life so far. Every Monday a group (In the Netherlands the elementary schools have 8 groups, which go from you being 4 years of age to 12) would have to open the week by acting and singing multiple stories from either the Bible or a story more closely related to everyday life. I've made some good friends at my school at the time, though sadly I've fallen out of touch with them due to basically no communication or reunions, I'm still grateful to them for the great time we had together. My teacher in group 8 was a wonderful man, he was cheerful, funny and he felt like a father figure to the class as everybody respected him. He would sometimes make jokes about classmates or me to prepare us for high school, he said that we wouldn't be guaranteed a bully-free school. In the end, we had to do a musical to finish off our time there. The musical we did was called "The Hidden Valley" in which I played a blind general, it was great fun and I have very fond memories of it.

I must say that even though I am not friends with the people I used to be friends with I still think it was because of them that I had such a good time there, I would've made it just fine without them but they gave me a reason to come to school happy every day. It isn't anyone's fault that we don't talk anymore as we all went separate ways and moved on, made new friends and have other things that keep us busy and that is a good thing. It means that we are able to put the past behind us and not keep relishing in what has been, not to say that it would've been bad if we were still close friends now. I'm trying to say that I'm glad I've met them and I am proud to have been able to call them my friends.

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