~Chapter Two~

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Years have passed since I met that nice family. I was seven when I met them, and now I am seventeen. It's been ten years although it feels like it has been longer. I still haven't said a single word, but I did keep that note book that Beatrix gave to me as well as the clothes. A lot has happened since that day, which I don't want to remember.

I was currently in a taxi on my way over to a home where I will be staying, but I am not alone. I was placed into a home before that took care of me, by which I mean that they have me medication. Two people from that place are in the taxi with me as they know that I will not say a single word. After a while, the taxi stopped in front of a mansion that seemed somewhat familiar to me. We got out of the taxi and walked to the front door where one of the people knocked.

A few seconds later, someone opened the door. Who, or what they look like? I don't know. I have my head down, that way I don't make any awkward eye contact.

"Hello, we are here about the deal we made over the phone," said the woman who was with me. There was a second of silence before she spoke again. "thank you. Come along my dear."

My face turned into an annoyed look. She knows I hate to be called 'my dear' as only Beatrix called me that. we walked into the mansion and to a room on the left where there was two couches and a couple of chairs. I sat in one of the chair with my head still down.

"you already know the deal so, here is her medication, two every four hours and as a warning, she is extremely shy and doesn't speak at all. If you ask her a question, then she will reply using her note pad. That is all you need to know. It was a pleasure working with you," she said. A couple of seconds later, I heard the door closing meaning that I was left here alone with the owner of the mansion.

"hmm... ahh look what we have here~? A cute little human~," said a voice coming form behind me. It sounded rather perverted, but familiar. "is this our new sacrificial bride?"

"she's not a sacrificial bride, she's a perspective bride," said a voice filled with no emotion and seriousness. "now I was not told what your name is, may we know what your name is?"

That voice sounds so familiar, and so polite. I took my note book and my pen, and started to write down my answer. 'it's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Yuki. As you were told, I will not speak aloud, but communicate using my note book. I apologise if this annoys you, but this is has it has always been.' The man read it out loud so that the other man that stood behind me knew what the note said.

"let us look at your face Mouse-chan," said the boy who was behind me, but is now in front of me. He took a hold of my chin and lifted it up until I saw his face. I looked at him in shock. Laito? I looked over to the other man. Is that Reiji?

"Who dares awake me from my sleep?" asked a voice from the corner of the room. It had a tone of annoyance and tiredness. "I hate being woken up from my precious sleep."

In the corner was Subaru, but on one of the couches, was Kanato and Ayato whereas Shu was asleep on the other couch. It's been ten years and yet they have hardly changed, other than them getting older and more handsomer. It seems like they don't recognise me...

"Subaru please don't punch anymore walls," Reiji said.

"Well she is so cute~ how can you be so annoyed at such a cute face like hers?" asked Laito as he got closer to my face.

"Laito don't-" Reiji started to say, but was cut off.

"tch you guys are so annoying. Just tell her what we are already" Subaru said annoyed. This isn't the Subaru I met. He was so calm and nice, but how he's always annoyed and mad.

"Well the short way of putting this is we are vampires. We will not feed off of you often, but you will most likely end up getting with one of us, as in a romantic type of way," Reiji explained. I wrote on my note book, but it took a little while as I wrote a lot. 'I took a guess that you were all vampires from when the boy with the fedora came close to my face. I saw some fangs in his mouth.' This time, Laito read my note out loud.

"Well the one lying on the couch is Shu, the eldest son, I am Reiji, the second eldest, then there is the triplets, Laito, Kanato and Ayato, and finally Subaru the youngest of us," Reiji explained as he pushed his glasses up. "Subaru, could you please take Miss Yuki here up to her room?"

Even though Subaru was annoyed at Reiji asking him, me and him left the room and walked through corridors and doors until we made it to a specific door. Subaru opened the door and inside was a elegant white and grey room filled with a large queen sized bed, a few Chester draws, a desk and a chair.

"I hope you like the room. As this is where you will be sleeping," Subaru said from behind me. I turned to face him and gave him a small bow saying thank you. Subaru walked closer to me and moved his face until he placed his mouth by my ear and said, "you should be careful here. You might end up dying here, but like what Reiji said, you'll end up being with one of us. Be careful with who you pick."

He walked out of the room and closed the door gently behind him. I looked over to the closed door, sadness filled my eyes. 'you really don't remember me

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