~Chapter Eleven~

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To my surprise, I woke up to the sound of nothing. No one has come into my room yet to wake me up for school. I look over to the clock on to see the numbers 7:24pm. No one should be up yet as the sun hasn't fully set. Colours of orange, yellow and red flood my room like a collaged painting. Looking to my left, I saw a peacefully sleeping Subaru with a peaceful look on his face. He must have accidently fell asleep here or was here protecting me. I thought while looking at his face.

"are you done staring at my face?" I heard Subaru asked in a husky voice, seeing as he has only just woken up. I noticed a small blush on his face. Cute.

"sorry. You just looked so peaceful," I said after a while, hesitant whether to actually say something. My voice was small and had a hint of embarrassment as he just caught me staring at him. "what are you going in my room out of curiosity."

"tch... none of your business. Go back to sleep. We still have a little while until we have to be up for school," Subaru said before forcing to face the other way and wrapping his arm around my waist so gently it was as if I was a china doll and he was afraid that he would break me if he was to put in any strength.

"okay... goodnight Subaru," I said meekly before closing my eyes, preparing to fall back asleep.

"goodnight... Yuki," he replied. After a while, I hear him say something else, he obviously thought I was fast asleep. "goodnight Moon..."

If only you knew Subaru. If only you knew...

A couple of hours past when I was suddenly woken up by the sound of thunder and a flashing light of lightning. Peaking out of my window, I noticed it was raining heavily with flashes of lightning and sounds of thunder. Scared, I quickly jumped out of my bed, turned on my bedroom light and closed all of the blinds. If the lights are on, then I won't be able to see the flashes of lightning. I thought.

"tch... what the hell are you doing Yuki?" I heard a voice ask. I looked over to my bed and saw Subaru looking at me with an annoyed and tired look on his face. "turn the lights off, it's too bright."

I gave him the look that said 'I turned them on for a reason and they will stay on'. His expression became more annoyed than tired after seeing that look on my face, making me feel slightly scared and nervous. I tilted my head so that I was looking down, that way I wouldn't have to look at an annoyed Subaru.

"tch... how annoying," he said. I heard the sound of the bed creaking making me tense up slightly, even more scared about what he is going to do next. His slow footsteps made it closer and closer to me making my anxiety get worse and take control of me. Next thing I know, my breaths are uneven and my body is shaking slightly. "hey I'm not going to hurt you."

He saw my sudden change, making him feel less annoyed and more worried. I know that, but how can I trust you after what happened to me? I thought. His arm snaked around my form, pulling my shaking form into an embrace, hugging me lightly like I was a human sized teddy bear.

"just listen to me okay." He said. "you're okay. I am not going to hurt you and I promise that and I promise I will never let anyone harm you. Just listen to my voice. Ignore all of the other ones that you are hearing in your head."

His words helped me calm down slightly, but I still felt scared and nervous. It didn't help that the storm had gotten worse. Slowly I looked up at him and saw a concerned look on his face, making me feel guilty as I am the reason why he was like this. Slowly, I removed myself from his arms and towards the door, causing Subaru to get confused.

"Yuki? Where are you going?" I heard him ask, before I left the room and closed the door behind me. It's for the greater good Subaru. I hope you understand that...

apologizes for how long this took to write. I had started it, but haven't been able to finish it until today.

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