Chapter #1 Badass Much?

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Alexia's Pov:

It's been at least two months. I think. I haven't seen any of the others in the past week or so, so I'm guessing they're all dead. It wouldn't surprise me. Everyone's dead. And I'm alone. Alone in this God forsaken place we still have the courage to call home. I think it's only to make things feel more normal. Kinda like the way they were before.

I found a ghost of a smile lingering on my lips. Thinking of the past. Of, him. No. I have to forget. It's been two months. A lot of people that you used to know have died since then. Not just him. Forget, just try to forget. One of the things that I've learned and also found the most useful, is that all of this is a little bit easier to swallow if you try to forget about everything, everyone... anything. Just stay alive, no emotions attached. None.

"Fuck!" I heard someone yelp. I shot up from my previous position. I was currently kneeling before the statute of Jesus' crucifixion. I had set up a secure base camp here in the town's church, it seemed extremely ideal due to the lack of walkers in this area. There weren't that many people here either. But it's like that everywhere. Apparently not anymore though.

I hesitantly walked over towards the stairs on the other side of the room. At the top of them, on the next story, there was a smashed window. I had barricaded it up ages ago though, I could still see through it.

I slowly made my way up the staircase. Someone. A person. I had gone like weeks without any interaction with another human being. Once at the top, I strolled over to the window. I heard the rifle on my back clank against the belt I wore that held various bullets, and knives on it. I forgot it was even there. Was I really praying with a gun on my back? I chuckled at the thought. I'm property the most unreligious person in the world, but at a time like this, I'd do just about anything.

I looked down at the dead grass in front of the church, and out to the street. I could see three walkers already. Damn it. I sighed. I looked closer. They were all moving towards the same thing. I quickly noticed at least five or six- what I assume to be people- running towards. Ah shit. They were leading those son's-a-bitches right at me.

I swiftly pulled my rifle out from behind me, and placed it on the wooden floors. I then walked over in the direction of the crates that I kept up here. They were already in the church when my group and I decided to set up camp here. But they were originally empty. But as we gathered supplies, we filled them all with all sorts of goodies.

Tony- an ex-marine in our group, some how was able to get his hands on a bloody AK-47. I still have no idea where he got it from. There were lots more other guns and such inside too, we were lucky enough to stumble on the mother load once when we were searching for food and other supplies. A gun shop. God, me and Tony were like kids in a candy store. I smiled again at a distant memory. No, stop. Forget. My smile almost immediately wiped off my face, and was replaced with my- now- usual blank expression.

I picked up an all too familiar cross bow. Light weight, quiet, fast, effective. It was like it was made for the apocalypse. I chuckled at my strange humour. I went back to the window. One of the boards that barricaded it was lose. I carelessly ripped it off with ease leaving a sizeable gape for me to shoot through. I position my bow, and fired. "One.... Two.... Three..." I breathe after each shot was made straight through there head's, right when that puff of pink mist and brain matter surfaces. "Beautiful." I mutter to myself, admiring my work. I was smirking slightly. I hadn't killed one of those bastards in ages, let alone three. I was satisfied.

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