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5:26 am.

[ enter chatroom ? ]

➣ yes.


[ loading chatroom . . . ]

[ chatroom sucessfully entered ! ]


[ katsuki. ]
alright damn deku.

who the hell told you you could add her to this fucking group chat, and why the hell did you fucking do it.

[ y/n. ]
lmfao the fuck

katsuki's here??? bet

[ katsuki. ]
why are you even here, asshat?!

[ y/n. ]
bitch it is literally 5 am i don't want to deal with this bullshit right now

[ katsuki. ]
you still haven't answered my question, shitty bitch.

[ y/n. ]
do you want to catch these hands, katsuki?

geez, what is it with y'all being so demanding.

alright so, izuku added me here on accident and yeah

[ katsuki. ]
so why aren't you leaving?

[ y/n. ]
lmao i won't

y'all are to fun to talk to

plus i found my soulmate s o o o, i'm not leaving anytime soon

[ katsuki. ]
the fuck? when and who―

[ y/n. ]
it's pikachu bitch

just yesterday h e e h e e

[ denki. ]
you called? owo

( y/n. ) MY BABEY

[ y/n. ]

[ katsuki. ]
i'm on so many levels of fucking confusion right now.

i didn't know you were physically capable of being up at this hour, dunce face.

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