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Random starters ( some can be sexual so take it too pm's )

1. You had known the ravenette for a few months now and knew when something was wrong, and by the way his shoulders tensed and he wouldn't make eye contact, you knew then that something was very very wrong, once you got him to talk though he carefully explained that he would be going to visit his family, something you two had never discussed before, you knew it was a subject never to be breached, so when he told you that his parents where expecting him to bring a girl home for them to meet ( they would be heavily against the fact he was only interested in men seeing as he hasn't come out yet) you finally understood why he was acting so cagey. The only exceptions? He had two days, and he was single.

2. He finally opens up to you about the curse he's under , explaining how it worked and why he was so distant , the fact that no one would ever love him and why it broke his heart, he was usually so cool about these things, never showing it bothered him until now, he was crying into your shoulder and all you could do was hold him till it was over, you hoped it was soon because he was acting way different than his usual happy self .

3. Good news, the curse broke, now though, your staring down something that is clearly not Icarus, it smiles with far too many teeth, and there's also the fact it's talking to itself and answering, your now facing a possessed male, the demon now using him as a vessel testing the limits and speaking to the human soul inside not even bothering with you until you move something to get its attention. There is no starlight in his gaze only an empty black pit that you find yourself falling into .

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