Chapter 4

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~Airi's POV

In case you wondering how me and Chris know each other we were best friends in middle school. We were super close, he came to my house everyday to study and chill wit me, every where he went I was there and vice versa. But don't get it twisted I NEVER liked him like that. I saw him as a older brother and that was it. But after what he did our whole friendship was thrown away and it shouldn't have ended the way it did

~Chris POV

Seeing airi again filled a empty space in my heart. She was my first love tho I never told her I liked her or loved her. I was scared that she didn't feel the same way about me. We were so close but once I started catching feelings I had to keep my distance. But that wasn't the only reason I kept my distance, my friends would talk about her all the time but never disrespectful cause they knew that was my best friend and I don't play that shit🤷🏾‍♀️. But this one day we were all at the lunch table and one of my friends asked me a question.

Joshua: "So Chris you and Airi a thing cause I'm tryna smash" he said making everyone dabting him up like it was okay

I knew how he got down and of course I didn't like it but I was good as long as he didn't do nothing to Airi.

I had to say something...

Gilly: "u-um-well" I stuttered.

If I said no he would try to play with her feelings and just use her for sex and yes I know airi is smarter than that but I like her..a lot and I can't see her hurt over a lame as nigga🤦🏾‍♀️.

Joshua: "soooo are y'all or not"

Fuck it I thought what's the worst that could happen.

Gilly: "yea me and airi are messing with each other" I said looking down

Christian: "oh so y'all fucking??"

I didn't know what to say. I already lied about one thing I can't keep on going it might go further that what it already is.

Gilly: "yea I guess you can say that" I shrugged. I made sure my face didn't show any type of emotion

Joshua: "yea that's my boy I never knew you had it in you, tuh never would have thought you and airi be having sex but I see you bro"

Airi: "me and who doing what" she said angrily confused

My face got red I couldn't even look her in her face at this moment. Oh what did I just get myself into🤦🏾‍♀️.

Christian: "you and Chris be fucking" he said laughing

Is this nigga stupid dumb or retarded.

I didn't have to look at airi to see that she was not only mad as hell but giving me the death stair.

Airi: "GILLY YOU TOLD THEM THIS" she yelled causing everyone around us to look at our table

Gilly: "look Airi I-" I started

Airi: "you know what I don't give a fuck about what you got to say you can keep that shit to your self delete my number and stay the fuck away from me" she said as she tried to walk away but I grabbed her hand.

I looked at her face and I seen a couple of tears drop. That hit me hard. I always hated to see Airi cry but now she's crying because of me.

Gilly: "Airi wait" I said standing up trying to keep her in my grip

Airi: "nigga get off of me and what the fuck y'all looking at" she said as she rolled her eyes talking to all the people staring

I couldn't keep her in my grip so I ended up letting her go. I didn't even chase her I just let her walk. I should have did something but I knew she wouldn't have listen to me. The worst part about this is that this happened on the last day of school.

I didn't see her all summer even in high school. I found out she went to a different high school that was in a whole different city.

It really hurt over the years not having the one person you thought you can count on to be there for you all the time to leave you and you can't even do anything about it.

I fucked up like really bad..

~Airi's POV

As we pulled out of the hug I looked him into his eyes as he looked me in mines. He had that look in his eyes that I couldn't make out, it was showing me love, pain, missing, and so many things

I instantly let go remembering how we ended off our friendship. I think he could tell that I was thinking about it.

Gilly: "we need to talk" he said in a soft voice

Airi: "yea but not right now I'm tryna have fun"

Gilly: "understood"he nodded

Airi: "lemme give me you my number" I said as I pulled out my phone

Gilly: "okay"

I have him my number and he gave me his. I hope I'm not gonna regret this.

Authors note:
This chapter was more of a flash back chapter and it was a lil shorter than the last chapter. In order for everything to make sense you guys needed a back ground story. Yes this is a trairi story so of course tray and airi would most likely "like" each other but I don't know yet y'all just have to wait and see😬thanks for all the support appreciate it❤️

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