You Can't Leave Until I Say So

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Warmth. That's all Kaito woke up to. The warmth of his body and lover, and a new sensation, a wonderful sensation on his hand. He opened his eyes, just to look at the golden band around his ring finger. He had only been married to the love of his life for three days, and every day felt like the best day of his life, knowing that he was finally with the love of his life.

He put his arm back around Kokichi, turning to look at him. He smiled at how his eyes were so lightly fluttered shut, he looked like a sleeping princess, long lashes and soft, messy hair barely spilling down his back, held in a loose ponytail.

"My sweet prince..." Kaito mumbled in his gruff morning voice. He chuckled to himself, knowing just how attractive Kokichi found that voice, and he also knew that if Kokichi were awake right now, he would be swooning.

Kokichi stirred a bit at the sound, and Kaito immediately forced himself into silence, not wanting to ruin the peace and wake him up.

His smile returned when he remembered that despite having a fight the day before and going to sleep on opposite sides of the bed, they still ended up tangled together. To Kaito, it was a sign that nothing could break the bond they had, and no fight could separate their love for eachother.

His gaze landed on the ceiling of their bedroom, which was painted like a beautiful purple galaxy, and the whole reason they had a fight the night before.

To clarify, it wasn't because Kaito had painted the ceiling before asking him, it was because he started without him. He smiled to himself, feeling truly lucky to be with someone like Kokichi.

He turned back to his lover, watching his shoulders rise and fall with every breath out of his slightly parted lips, those lips peach and plump, and so addicting to kiss, as Kaito knew from experience. He stared at and tried to count every little freckle on his cheek, the ones he covered up for so long with makeup, and the ones Kaito fell in love with the moment he saw them. He watched his cute, slightly upturned little nose twitch occasionally, a small little habit that Kaito found irresistibly adorable. He stared at that round little birthmark under his right eyebrow, normally hidden by his hair, but every once in a while Kaito would get to see it, and it made him smile to look at it. There wasn't enough time in the world to list everything he loved about Kokichi, from his round little cheeks to his secretly generous and loving heart.

Then Kaito's alarm went off.

The astronaut scrambled to turn it off, attempting to keep Kokichi asleep and peaceful. Yet his attempts were in vain, for as soon as he shut it off, Kokichi's eyes fluttered open, glancing up at him.

Kokichi yawned, moving an arm to rub one sleepy violet eye, a smile creeping onto his face. "Mmnnnnh.. Good morning.." He stretched out before slumping against Kaito's chest, nuzzling his shoulder.

Kaito took Kokichi's chin in his hand, gently tilting it up to look at him. "Damn, I'm so glad I married you. You're so fucking pretty." He grinned, kissing his nose.

"I should hope I do! Plastic surgery is expensive!"


"Nishishi!~ That's a lie!" He grinned, kissing Kaito's cheek. "You know what else is a lie? My sleep! I was awake the whole time, and I knew you were staring. Does my beloved adore me that much?"

If it were any other time in their relationship, Kaito would be taken aback. But loving Kokichi so much, in this moment, he simply nodded and said; "Yes I do."

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