Chaper Four

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As I walked home from school on Wednesday, I thought about what I had to do that evening. My backpack was weighed down with that night’s homework. I sighed. I hadn’t been able to take Harry up on his offer yet because I had too much to do. Tonight looked like it would be no different, since I had football practice on top of an essay and math homework.

I rounded the corner of my street. The cool wind had a sudden burst of fury, and threw my hair in front of my face. After I managed to tuck my hair behind my ear, an interesting sight was revealed to me.

A gaggle of girls stood on the road in front of Harry’s house, chattering away. It looked like the Directioners had found Harry’s address after less than two weeks of him living there.

I marched towards my house, striding swiftly to the front door while avoiding the looks of the girls. Once I had shut the door behind me, I pulled out my phone. I hadn’t texted Harry yet, but now seemed like a good time. I scrolled through my contact list, frowning when I couldn’t see his name.

Finally I found a contact called “The Champion”. I rolled my eyes, but smiled as I texted him.

Instead of texting him about the girls as I’d planned, I typed, “’The Champion?’ Really?” and then I headed to my room to start on my homework. As I was unpacking my bag my phone dinged.

“It’s the truth,” read the text I’d received.

“Not for long,” I replied. I turned on my laptop to start writing my essay.

“Does that mean you’re coming over tonight? :D” his next text read.

“I can’t, too much homework and football :(” I replied.

I received another text almost instantly, but this one was from Hannah telling me that practice was cancelled. I found out from her that our coach had to cancel practice because our usual pitch was being used that night.

“Aw, too bad :(” Harry responded to my previous text.

I quickly typed back, “Turns out practice is cancelled… I might be able to come after I finish my homework. :)”

“Text me back when you’re done then… Work fast x” read the text. I settled down to do just that.


I ended up finishing my homework around 7:30. I scarfed down a quick meal and then rummaged through my closet trying to find something to wear. Eventually I settled on a long, pale purple v-neck shirt with black leggings. My only jewelry was a long, silver necklace with a white flower pendant. I just decided to leave my hair down in its natural waves.

Once my outfit was complete, I texted Harry back. “I’m done :)” I typed.

He sent a text back telling me to come over in ten minutes, and to go through the backyard. I looked out of my window, and sure enough, the girls were still on the street.

I anxiously waited for ten minutes to pass. The same nervous energy that had existed before my previous encounters with Harry flowed through me like tiny electric pulses. My pale blue eyes were wide when I glanced in the mirror. It didn’t make sense to me why I should still be so nervous.

At last ten minutes had passed, and I made my way out to my backyard. I stood shivering in the autumn air, appraising the wooden fence that I was going to have to climb. There were a couple of wooden beams running parallel to the ground that seemed like good hand and foot holds.

I easily maneuvered myself up to the top of the fence. I swung my legs over, and prepared to drop to the ground. Just before I pushed off, a voice called, “Hey.” It startled me, and I didn’t push off as hard as I needed to. The thin material of my shirt caught on a protruding part of the fence. As I fell to the ground, I heard my shirt rip. I landed safely on my hands and knees.

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