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chapter twenty-two; exposed I

Jungkook sighs loudly, the sound somehow making it to Yoongi's ears over the loud talking in the classroom. The students' professor, Mr. Jung, has not yet made it to class today and the students were taking it as their time to converse about Jungkook's 'killer' party last night.

Speaking of which, even after three Advils (which took a lot of convincing for him to take-seeing as he didn't want to risk a relapse) his headache has not left his body.

"You alright?" Yoongi asks as he turns to look at Jungkook.

Jungkook nods, and lays his head down on the table. His books make quite the comfortable pillow surprisingly, and he could've gone to sleep this way if it wasn't so loud.

"Is Taehyung coming to class today?" Jungkook asks, picking nervously at the loose string from the rip in his blue jeans.

Jungkook has faintly remembered through his drunk-ness that he and Taehyung had some sort of conversation - and by conversation he means Taehyung talked to him about something while he tried to stay awake and listen.

"Yeah, he should arrive soon, why?" Yoongi states, frowning down at his phone as he checks the time.

As if on cue, said boy walks into the classroom. His hair is disheveled messily in a way that Jungkook finds hot, and there are noticeable bags under his eyes. That's the only flaw that Jungkook can spot, Taehyung's face is still perfect down to the beauty mark on his nose.

Jungkook sits up now, watching expectantly as Taehyung walks towards the back of the room where he and Yoongi were sitting. With one look at Jungkook's wide eyes and adorable pout, he sighs and plops down next to the boy who now wore a large smile.

"Good morning, Taehyung-hyung! How are you feeling?" Jungkook smiles at the male who unpacks his things.

"I'm fine, but I should be asking you that." Taehyung smiles back, resting his chin on the open palm of his hand.

"Really, why?" Jungkook furrows his eyebrows as he looks at Taehyung.

"Well one, you should have the biggest hangover in the history of the universe. And two, it's your first day back since your overdose." Taehyung explains, and Jungkook chuckles a bit.

Jungkook would be lying if he told you that the fact that it was his first day back since the overdose didn't cross his mind. He'd be lying if he told you that it didn't keep him up for a while last night.

"My head isn't that bad," Jungkook giggles, running a tanned hand through his cherry colored hair. "And it's okay so far. No one has looked at me like 'hey, you almost died because you're a junkie'." Jungkook says, and now it was Taehyung's turn to furrow his eyebrows along with his frown.

"You aren't a junkie, Pooh." Taehyung says, and Jungkook's heart flutters involuntarily.


"Actually, Taehyung I have something to ask you." Jungkook says, now nervously fidgeting with his loose string on his pants again.

"Hm?" Taehyung hums, texting someone with a frown on his face. Jungkook notices this, he does not look happy.

"When I was in my bed last night, what did we talk about?" Jungkook asks, and Taehyung's body goes rigged.

Taehyung felt his lungs still and his heart palpitate as Jungkook asked that question. Did he know what I said? Does he know I kissed him? Taehyung's shakes his head, he couldn't possibly know, that's why he's asking.

"Well-" Taehyung starts, but is cut off by loud yelling.

"Good morning class, sorry I'm late." Hoseok announces as he walks into the room, looking quite tired or depressed. No ones sure which. But everyone is sure that he had a long night, judging by his red and puffy eyes.

"Today we will be reading page one hundred and fourteen out of your text books. Write a summary on the page and turn it in to the tray on my desk on the way out. That is all." Hoseok instructs while he unpacks his bag, setting up and plugging up his laptop.

Jungkook gets started on the assignment immediately. He can't help but reread the same paragraph at least three times, but you would too if all you could smell was the unique smell of your crush.

Taehyung was still looking distressed as he types furiously on his phone, not even caring about the assignment. Jungkook bites his lip in thought, before deciding to lay a hand on Taehyung's thigh. The muscle tenses before untensing, and Jungkook was glad Taehyung made no move to shove him off.

"Are you alright?" Jungkook whispers in Taehyung's ear, and Taehyung shivers from the hot breath on his earlobe. He was sensitive there.

Taehyung grits his teeth, was Jungkook doing this on purpose? Or was he just trying to be a good friend?

"I'm okay, just a little stressed." Taehyung whispers back, head turning to face Jungkook. Their noses were mere centimeters apart, and Jungkook could practically taste Taehyung's breath - but he wasn't complaining.

But the moment was short lived when a booming voice echoed in the lecture room, "Min Yoongi!"

Said roommate shoots straight up in his seat, no longer asleep. He glares at Hoseok who glares back with just as much intensity, and Jungkook gulps.

Both Jungkook and Taehyung knew that this standoff was about more than just him sleeping in class. Both boys were very aware of their feelings for each other - however messy they are - and this couldn't end well.

"You should sleep at home instead of in my class." Hoseok grits, tone venomous.

Yep, Jungkook was definitely right, this was not going to end well.

"I would have, but I was having continuous and amazing sex last night," Yoongi bites back, and something flashes in Hoseok's eyes but it was gone as soon as it came. Taehyung stills. What was his best friend doing?

"Isn't that right, Seokjin?" Yoongi spits, not even looking away from Hoseok's eyes, smirk growing by the second.

Seokjin frowns, he didn't know why Yoongi was doing this. They talked out after their -yes, unfortunately continuous sex- and Yoongi agreed to talk to Hoseok about the situation.

"Um," Seokjin coughs, blush rising to his cheeks.

"Yoongi, that's enough." Taehyung stands up, Jungkook's hand falling from his thigh. "Not here, and definitely not now." Taehyung tries to reason, but Yoongi was riled up.

And Yoongi doesn't back down without getting the blood he came for.

"Shut up, you have no say in this. You can't even admit to yourself that you're in love with Jungkook."

Drama, uwu.

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