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twenty five; closure II

"Jisung! Jisung!" Jungkook yelled, walking through the dark and slightly damp woods.

The sun was just beginning to set, causing everything to glow a beautiful golden color. Jungkook's hair was wet and smelling fresh from his shower thirty minutes ago.

Jisung emerges from the trees, blonde hair glistening due to the bright sun. He smiled when he saw Jungkook, chuckling a bit when he recognized his own blue hoodie on the younger male.

"Hey, baby." Jisung said, walking towards Jungkook then wrapping his arms around him. He inhaled deeply, relishing in the smell of lemons.

"Hey," Jungkook breathed into the thick black material of his sweater.

"Dear Jisung," Jungkook says.

"How are you?" Jisung asked while leading the younger boy to a blue blanket he set up for them. It was in the middle of a clearing, and Jungkook found himself smiling at the set up.

"I'm great, thank you." Jungkook whispered, laying down on the blanket. It was soft and smelled exactly like his secret boyfriend; lemons. "How are you?"

Jisung laid down on the blanket next to Jungkook, facing him on his side. He lifts a finger and lets it draw over Jungkook's soft features, before poking his mole and earning a giggle from the younger. "I'm great now that you're here."

Jungkook smiled and wrapped his arms and legs around him. Jungkook didn't care that Jisung was a lot older than him, he enjoyed his company. He knew and understood him better than anyone else. Speaking of which; "I brought them, baby. Would you like to take them now so you're sober before you have to go home?"

Jisung held up the bag of pills. Jungkook smiled and takes the bag of pills before saying; "now. Thank you, love." Jungkook kissed his cheek.

"Thank you for being there for me when no one else was. When I thought no one else was."

The two boys took numerous amount of pills while laying under the sunset, trees surrounding them. The boys refused to let go of each other, so Jungkook ended up laying on Jisung's chest.

"Baby, I want you to promise me something." Jisung said, sitting up which caused Jungkook to fall off of his lap and sit on the blanket.

"Thank you for loving me."

"Do you love me?" Jisung asked, staring at Jungkook with such an unreadable expression.

"Thank you for letting me love you."

"Of course I do, is that even a question?" Jungkook smiled softly, reaching a hand up to play with a stray strand of soft blonde hair.

"Promise me that you'll always love me," Jisung demanded, and Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Of course I'll always love you." Jungkook reassured with an unsure smile on his face.

"But I think it's time to move on."

"You'll never love anyone else?" Jisung asked, eyes brimmed with hot tears.

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