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Nathan's POV

"Can you hurry up dude?"- Steve asks taking the lead, already upset by my slowly steps

"Man, what is it?" -  Roscoe ask me, with kindness and worry in his eyes.

I only kept my head down staring at the ground, I could only imagine how probably I was looking at that moment. it suposed to be on of the biggest night of my life, but to be honest I was just disapointed, but they don't have to know about it

-I don't get it. you finally got her!. She's waiting for you right in her house, isn't this the reason you've been crying the whole year? You finally got her and you're going to mess the whole thing if you keep with this attitude.

-Whatever dude, you don't get it- I reply with anger in my words

-No I obviously don't- He turns to face me.

I face him without doubt.

-Hey hey hey guys stop now! stop now! -Roscoe interrupts out weak confrontation.- Look Nathan I don't know what is going on with you, but you're stupid attitude is not going to ruin out night. get it?- he was kinda right

-Thanks!- Steve said raising his hands in the air.

I tight my fists trying to hold my anger inside.

-And you shut the fuck off Steve!- Rocoe adds

Steve walks away from us by the time Roscoe turn back to me.

-Calm down. I'm serious, If you don't feel in the mood you should go back to your house, maybe you can call Sam or something?

I sigh and unintentionally my head goes down to face the ground again when I hear her name. Roscoe finally notice it. His eyes wide open staring at me.

-So what? I ask him and he understands what I mean.

-Aaa, well... well then you shoud go, I guess- Roscoe tell me hesisating 

He start walking away and I stay stand waiting for some answer.

Should I?

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