Chapter 4

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After school, the gang and Fran walk home together. Then Larry started to jump scared carried by Sal that's because there's a black cat which was Mr. Midnight came. "Black cats are bad lucks!" Larry said and Fran chuckled. "Hey Mr. Midnight." She said to Mr. Midnight and carry him. "I didn't know you have a cat like I did." Sal said still carrying Larry. "Yeah, I got him from my parents. His eyes were big and yellow as the Halloween Moonlight, and his fur were dark as the deepest night." Fran explained. "Interesting." Todd replied fixing his glasses. Sal reminded about the cat's fur in his dreams that it was dark as the deepest night. They continued walking, Ash wave them and went to her house because she doesn't live in an apartment, and they walk together to the Addison apartment. "I gotta go now." Fran said. "Wait. You're not live in an apartment?" Larry asked. "Well, I live in Itward's." She said. "Who's Itward?" Sal asked. "He's my friend." She answered. "Fran, you're look fucking weird." Larry said. "Language Larry." Todd told him. "Sorry." He replied. "That's okay." She said. Everyone but Fran and Mr. Midnight entered the apartment. They went to a place between two buildings then Fran use the cat doll and the key to open the portal door and walk in together. Fran went back to Ithersta with Mr. Midnight and the Great Wizard show up. "Ah! Glad you're back Fran." The Great Wizard said. "Hello Great Wizard." Fran said with a curtsey. Fran and Midnight walk back together in the castle, Ziar came by waved her and they went to her bedroom. "I wonder if that masked boy was Sal." Fran said to Mr. Midnight laying on the bed. "Maybe." Mr. Midnight replied.

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