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Jungkook isn't trained whatsoever.

Taehyung doesn't mind. He's all in for teaching the bunny about the rules, he's sure the bunny will learn rather fast.

"Just sign these forms." Owner says before sliding the papers across the desk. Meanwhile bunny is on the other side of the door nervously looking at the tall man that came with his new master and is teasing Jimin by softly petting his tail.

Jungkook knows tails are sensitive, nobody is allowed to touch bunny's ears or tail. Only bunny is.

"Jiminie." Jungkook nearly whisper, feeling a little distressed due to the new situation but Jimin is too distracted with by owner.

Bunny just sits frozen, unsure of what to do. Ears flat on his head, twitching every once in a while.

Slowly the door opens up and a tall boy with a beanie on his head enters. Everybody turns to the boy who immediately looks at the floor and nervously shifts from left to right.

"Didn't I tell you to stay in the car." SeokJin snaps at the kid, the boy flinching at the harsh words as he raises his shoulder to shrug. "Wanted to meet him." He boy whispers, softly peeking up to look at the new hybrids.

Jungkook's ears softly perk up as he sniffs the air, the new kid smells sweet, something he never smelt before. Definitely a hybrid, but which one he's doesn't know.

"Take your beanie off, you know I like to see your ears. Take pride in them Namjoon." Jin says with a sigh.

SeokJin is proud of his hybrids and he wants his hybrids to be proud of themselves too. He wants the world to see their ears and tails, he wants people to be jealous that they don't have hybrids as beautiful as his.

"Is that Jimin?" The boy— now known as Namjoon— asks while slowly taking of his beanie to reveal a grey mop of hair with two grey ears sticking out. Jungkook thinks they're cute.

"Jimin, this is Namjoon, he is a Koala hybrid, Namjoon this is Jimin, a panda hybrid. Be kind to each other." SeokJin demands, immediately bunny's ears drop at the harsh tone the man is using to speak with.

He feels alone, Jimin is making all sorts of new friends while he's just sitting there like he's some sort of toy. His new master isn't even in the same room as him.

Namjoon and Jimin seems to not like each other. Namjoon scrunches up his nose while Jimin bares his teeth, large fangs now put on display.

"Boys, I said be kind." SeokJin growls.

Jungkook spends his time observing the situation. He likes the way Namjoon smells. It's sweet, he likes sweet. He doesn't smell like his new master or Jimin's, they smell weird and it distresses the bunny a little.

Taehyung enters the room along with owner. Owner never gave out his name, so everyone just calls him owner. Owner doesn't mind.

"There's a small complication." Taehyung sighs while looking at SeokJin, his brother raises an eyebrow as if to ask the question, 'what is wrong?' SeokJin came to get his hybrid, not for complications.

"The bunny can't be abruptly separated from his little panda friend over there." Taehyung says lazily pointing to the panda while a frown makes its way onto the older's face.

"Meaning?" Jin asks, running a hand through his hair. The question isn't needed, he knows the answer. Everyone does, everyone except for Jungkook.

"Meaning they have to stay together and slowly get used to not seeing each other." Taehyung says and SeokJin frowns even deeper, that much was clear to him but now he just wonders why, so he asks.


"Bunny's create deep bonds with people or animals, if you rip that away chances are the bunny dies." Owner explains. "That's why they're kept separate from the other hybrids." 

SeokJin sighs before nodding his head. "Very well, is everything else settled?"

Taehyung nods before walking over to his brand new bunny.

"Look at me bunny." He demands. The bunny looking up with wide eyes, not necessarily because he was demanded to but because he's a little scared.

"Training starts now."

Jungkook nods unsure of what his new master means but at least he knows his master wants some sort of response. "We'll be staying at my place." Taehyung says looking at his brother for confirmation, Jin nods.

"Let's go."

Bunny sits frozen.

"I said let's go." Taehyung repeats in a warning tone but Bunny doesn't want to go. He doesn't know where to go, so why should he go?

"It's okay Jungkook." Jimin reassures, slowly walking over to the bunny. "I'm right here." The panda offers the bunny his hand which Jungkook immediately takes. He likes holding hands with Jimin.

Taehyung rolls his eyes and SeokJin sighs.

Slowly all of them say their goodbyes to the owner, Jimin and Jungkook with a hug, Namjoon waves and SeokJin and Taehyung shake his hand.

Getting into the car doesn't seem like a hard task but then you remember Jimin and Namjoon don't seem to like each other. After a short argument between the two non-bunny hybrids, which is solved by Taehyung roughly shoving them in the car, Jungkook ends up sitting in the middle.

Once seated they drive in silence, up until the point where Jungkook slowly tugs on Namjoon's shirt making the older scowl as he looks over.

Jungkook flinches at the look. "Y-you sm-smell go-od." He compliments shyly, watching as the Koala's face softens. "Thank you bunny, I like your ears."

"N-names Koo-Kie." Jungkook smiles shyly much to Jimin's annoyance. Jungkook is his friend, not that stupid Koala's.

"I like that name. You know mine." Namjoon mutters before turning back to the window.

Jungkook nods proudly and then goes to cuddle back into Jimin, proud at himself for talking to the sweet scented Koala.

Namjoon on the other hand is sad, why didn't his Master choose the bunny instead of that stupid panda? He likes Kookie way better.

"Boys." SeokJin says and Jungkook is confused whether he should listen. He is a boy, but the man isn't his master.

"I want you to be kind to each other, if I find you fighting even once you're in for it okay?" The man's voice is calm but bunny knows he isn't calm, he is annoyed.

They get out the car and immediately he goes to grab Jimin's hand only be stopped by Taehyung who shakes his head.

"Gotta learn to let go bunny, you're mine now."

Jungkook pouts and goes to hold Jimin's hand anyway, much to his master's annoyance. Taehyung growls but Jungkook doesn't notice, instead he happily grabs Namjoon's hand as well.

Namjoon doesn't necessarily like it but he doesn't have the heart to let the bunny down. Especially since the bunny doesn't seem to really understand how things work around here.

Meanwhile Jin pats his little brother's shoulder with a grin on his face.

"You wanted an untrained hybrid." He reminds the younger.

Taehyung shakes his head a little. "That bunny will learn. Either my way, or the hard way."

Jin snorts.

"If I were him, knowing you, I'd choose the hard way."


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