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Taehyung is annoyed. It takes Jungkook two hours to shower, dry off, get dressed and come walking downstairs.

"Jimin come with me." Jin growls, the panda hybrid hesitates for a second but he knows he can't just disobey him. So he pats the bunny's back and goes to follow his master.

Taehyung points to a chair. "Sit down." He demands and the bunny does as the elder says. Sitting down in the chair while looking around. He's hungry.

Taehyung hands him some fruit which the bunny happily eats.

"We have to discuss rules." He says looking at the bunny who's adorably munching on some food. His ears erect and to attention.

"You know what rules are right?" Taehyung asks and the bunny nods. "Kookie had rules back at the hybrid home."

"Did you have punishments too?"

Kookie nods. "No food and privileges taken away, but Kookie learns fast." He mumbles.

"My punishments will be different, they will hurt but I won't ever punish you beyond your limits." Taehyung explains his eyes narrowing a little, wondering whether the bunny is listening at all.

"If you break a rule you'll be punished."

Jungkook pouts, his ears dropping over his head. "What rules?"

"You obey my every demand, listen to what I say and objection is only allowed when you feel uncomfortable." Taehyung says. "You will refer to me as Master-"

"Master." The bunny repeats. "You will also not interrupt me or disrespect me in anyway."

"You're not allowed to go outside on your own, someone has to go with you at all times and you're not allowed to touch yourself." The wolf says looking at the bunny's reaction. He knows bunny's are horny shits.

"You soon will have your first rut, warn me when you feel-"

"What's a rut?" Taehyung stares at the bunny with wide eyes. "Also can Kookie hump his mattress?"

Taehyung sits frozen for a second trying to get that very vivid image out of his mind. How could the bunny say such a thing so casually?

"No, you can't." He then says. "I'm the only allowed to touch you, I won't force myself on you."

"Why would you touch Koo? Is that the magic touch Jiminie always talks about?" The bunny asks with wide eyes while stuffing some melon in his face.

"I think so, only I'm allowed to do that. I'm the only one you'll kiss."

"Kiss? But kisses are special!" Jungkook says feeling beyond confused.

"Do you understand what I just said?" Taehyung asks ignoring the younger's statement. The bunny nods with a pout on his lips.

"Will bunny be hit again?"

"If you break the rules yes." Taehyung sighs and bunny nods. "Then bunny will not break the rules." He says proudly while Taehyung just sighs. Maybe he should've let them train the bunny.

"Good, now be good and clean your dishes." Taehyung says getting up to his feet to leave the bunny alone. Bunny grabs his arm. "Don't leave bunny alone!"

"Don't touch me." Taehyung says looking at the hand on his sleeve.

"Bunny cleanup your dishes, now!" He snaps angrily and the bunny pouts before releasing his master's arm.

Jungkook doesn't like his master. He wants cuddles and movies, not pain and rules.

"Stupid master!" Jungkook says crossing his arms childishly.

Taehyung's eyes widen and he roughly grabs the bunny by his shirt. "You're not allowed to disrespect me bunny." He growls.

"But master is being stupid!" Jungkook says sadly. Taehyung slowly reaches forward running his finger over the soft bunny ear.

Jungkook's eyes widen and he rips himself away from his master, a shiver running through his entire body as he feels himself growing hard from just that small touch.

His ears and tails are hyper sensitive, especially since he hasn't had any action in a while. The right stimuli can have him hard in mere seconds.

"Don't touch bunny's ears!" He mutters stroking his own ears.

"Aha." Taehyung mutters while observing the bunny. "Why are they so sensitive?" He asks curiously. He knows they're not supposed to be that sensitive.

"They get more sensitive when bunny doesn't hump the mattress."

Taehyung smirks, this would be the perfect opportunity for him to get a show but unfortunately his rut is too close for such a thing. If he goes off he will break the poor bunny in two.

"Clean your dishes and hump your mattress, think about master while doing so." He demands before walking off and out of the house. He needs to fuck someone, someone less tempting than that beautiful bunny hybrid.

He has to admit, the bunny has him on edge.


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