The Quiet One-Halfdan x Reader

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Summary: When Harald and his brother arrive in Kattegat, they are there to meet Halfdan’s wife to be. She isn’t the fierce shieldmaiden he wanted and she can see that. She wants to prove him wrong but finds that she is too scared to do so.

Characters: Halfdan the Black x Reader

Meanings: (Y/N)= Your name
(Y/L/N)= Your last name
(Y/F/N)= Your friend’s name

Warnings: Mentions of alcohol


As I stood beside Ragnar and his family on the docks, the sad, anxious feeling began to increase within me. Aslaug and Ragnar had taken me in when I was a child after my father, a close friend of theirs, died in battle. They raised me well, his sons becoming close friends of mine, almost like younger brothers. I remembered most of my childhood here rather than with my actual father. However, that didn’t mean I had escaped from arranged marriages. My father had left me his riches, seeing as I was his only heir, making me more ‘desirable’ to men wanting power. And one man had finally taken the chance to have my hand in marriage.

“Deep breaths (Y/N), I promise that you will be happy and safe with this man.” Alsaug laid a hand on my shoulder.

“I’m trying. It’s just….it’s just so scary.” I admitted, looking up at her.

Her face twisted in sadness.“I’m sorry you could not choose your fate.”

“(Y/N), Halfdan is a good man. Mother tells the truth.” Ubbe comforted me.

Sighing, I looked back out to the see, shocked that they were already docking. Was time moving faster than normal? My heart started to beat faster and faster until I was sure that it would burst out of my chest. As soon as I had heard that Ragnar agreed to this marriage proposal, every night I had prayed to the gods that this man would be kind to me. There had been so many stories of young women such as myself being trapped in awful marriage, abused daily. It frightened me, I’d rather go into battle.

Two men stepped off the boat first, before others followed them. These just have been them. King Harald and his brother. I could tell because of how fine their clothes were. The man with long, dark hair in a plait approached Ragnar.

“Ragnar Lothbrok, it has been far too long.” he chuckled as they embraced before nodding to his wife.“Alsaug, looking beautiful as ever. And my, how your sons have grown.”

I tried to stay respectful but I couldn’t help my eyes wandering over to my soon to be husband. Just by looking at him I could see why people thought he was scary. His eyes were cold, there was no expression on his face; he was also very tall and well built, it was easy to see how intimidating he was.

“(Y/N) (Y/L/N), it is a pleasure to finally meet you.” Harald stood in front of me, bowing slightly.

“The pleasure is all mine.” I curtsied, trying to give my best smile.

“This is my brother Halfdan. I’m sure you two will get on well.”

We said nothing to each other, only bowing out of respect. After that I didn’t look at him. My hands started shaking, my breath becoming uneven. Who was I marrying? How was I going to get through this?

Later that evening, a feast was held in honour of the New arrivals. The only time I had seen the brothers was at the beginning of the feast, when the speech was made about our engagement. I felt a relief as he walked away, ignored me. Escaping from Aslaug, I found (Y/F/N), hugging her tightly. Suddenly I broke down, desperately trying not to cry.

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