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Janelle POV

"You will see when we get there" 

"Well can we make it quick I have classes in two hours", I say a bit annoyed. "Watch your tone with me mi bella, what I'm planning to do with you won't take that much time", he said in a sinister voice. After he said that the rest of the ride was quiet and filled with my nerves.
Is he going to kill me.
Kidnap me.
Or worse...

Him clearing his throat brought me out of my trance. "We're here." He was holding my door open and had his hand out for me take. I disregarded his hand and got out to see a huge mansion.
I gasped as I was pulled back into a hard chest. "Neonata when I give you my hand to take, you take it understand." I decide to not answer him and turn my head away. He grabbed my face and brought it close, to close that if leaned in I would be kissing him. "Understand" "Y-yeah" He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door of the house.

Walking in it was even more beautiful than the outside, but I didn't get to admire it as I was pulled up a flight of stair. Ha more like mountain of stairs. "Are you trying to kill me with all these stairs", I say out of breathe.

Luca POV

I let out a chuckle as she said that. I turned around and picked her up bridal style and walked up the stairs. "W-what are you doing",she said squirming in my hold. I wish she wouldn't do that as her body was rubbing against mine. "Hey quit squirming it's not helping me it actually quite distracting with you rubbing up against me", I said with a smirk. She stopped immediately and looked down while blushing. "Asshole" " what was that", I asked while stopping. "I didn't say anything", she said. With that I went down a hall way and into my room. I sat her on my bed. "Stay here".

Janelle POV

What the hell was that
He walked into his closet and started changing with the door wide open.
"Uh hello, aren't you gonna like close the door" "why would I do that" he aksed narrowing his eyes "probably because I barely know you and thats just telling me you get a little comfortable around people you just met".

I saw that he had gotten a little upset "just shut up , you talk entirely to much" "well whose fault is that? Its not like I asked to be here" "what you say?" "Look I'm getting dressed we'll leave in a few minutes I honestly don't care if you see me its not like I'm getting fully naked so SHUT UP!!".

"You seriously think im going to listen to you well you've got another thing coming buddy and whats up with your mood swings. How are you nice and now your mean, what you on your meriod?"
"What the fuck is a meriod?"
"Man period"
"Here take this"he said throwing me clothing. I looked at it and saw it was a sun dress.
"Thanks?" "Wear it", he said huskily. With that he walked out the room.

********15 mins later*********

Luca POV

"One table under Romano" I tell the lady at the front desk. She boredly types on the computer looking for my reservation as she loudly chews her gum. I scrunch my face up in disgust.

"Hi welcome to wine and dine my name is skye I will be your server for today, so how about we start with drinks?" The waitress said directly to me trying to be flirtatious.

"Yeah,let me get-" Janelle started to say but was interrupted by a squeaky high pitched voice.

"I wasnt talking to you"

"No you were because your our waitress and i dont like to be ignored"

"I really dont care about y-"

"White wine,hurry up" I said to the waitress making her scurry away to get us our drink

"You are a feisty little thing aren't you?"

"Firecracker" I say a devious smirk forming upon my lips.

Janelle POV

I hate this. Can this night go any slower because he's really starting to piss me off.

"Can you not call me that" I say rolling my eyes showing my annoyance.

"I'll call you whatever I want....firecraker" he said  looking deeply in my soul with a stupid smirk on his stupid face.

There is only one word to describe this night.





Well I guess there were more.

But to describe him.


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