Graveyard wispers

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Addison running up the cracked ground toward the iron gate. Metal key in hand she reaches the graveyard. A mist had fell over the dead and it

reacted of death and mould. She creeped in between the old stones searching for something. Near the west corner she stops and breaths heavily. She found it, the rumours were true.

In the night Addison woke up to a faint howl in the night and goosebumps

Covering her frail body. To scared to get out of bed she glances left and right. Her sisters bed was empty and no life slept under the warm quilt. Addison quietly went back to sleep.

When Addison woke up in the the morning a frost had landed on the brown grass. The air was cold outside her window, the glass to cold to touch. She glanced over to her sisters bed a faint mist gathered over the bed. She stares at the bed the mist disappeared as it had come.

Addison grabbed her books and ran down the wooded stairs to the living room. Her mother at the stove quietly making some oatmeal humming to herself. If Addison had turned around and seen her sisters ghostly smirk Addison would of fainted.

The oatmeal was rather dry because they didn't have the money for the extra milk. Pa wasn't going to get a check for another week so they had to save there coins. Pa was away working in is office, he was a writer in the 1820s but when Addison and her sister Laura where born he had become an editor.

She walked to school the long way, past the graveyard the old iron picked fence tilted back in the old cracked mud. She watched contently at her sister Laura's grave. She heard faint whispers.

"Come with me"

"Come with me" the voices called out.

The graveyard had whispered to her. She looked back at her sister Laura's grave, Laura's grave was smeared with blood and fear. Addison backed away then ran all the way to the newly built school house.

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