1 ; seeing double

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"MERLIN, Regulus don't be so damn stupid! Where the hell do you think doing this will get you?" She stuck a finger into his chest, ignoring the slight wince in his eyes. Her eyes blazed with fury, continuing her tirade.

"Nowhere," she spit out, as if she had just ingested poison. Taking a deep breath, her next words were calmer, though never lost the flame in her tone. "Whatever you think this will make you, you're wrong," she stated, sparing a defiant look to him, "and you know that."

The young woman's seething voice echoed sharply over the walls of the empty corridor. At least, that's what the young couple believed it to be. Unbeknownst to them, Sirius Black had been minding his time, yet again coming back from another detention this week.

The silent glide of his feet on the stone floors made no noise, a skill he'd picked up from years of sneaking around. In his slight absentmindedness, he had almost begun to hum a melody from a muggle band when the loud noises of an argument forced his feet to an abrupt stop.

His ears perked up at his brother's name, coupled with a tense in his shoulders and an uneasy feeling in his stomach. Sirius stole a peek at whoever was arguing from behind the wall, careful to stay hidden.

Across from him was his brother, Regulus Black, still as youthful as the last time he'd truly gotten a good look at him - which had been nearly a year ago. Under the illumination of the brightly-shining torches, he could faintly make out a tiredness to his brother's face that hadn't been present there before.

A young woman stood across from him. Dark, nearly black hair. On her left hand he could barely make out the symbol of a crow. Elara Northcott.

Regulus' eyebrows arched up defiantly. "I know exactly what I'm getting myself into, Elara." He chuckled lowly, talking down to her. "And I know that I don't need you to oversee my decisions for me. You have no say in what I do with my life."

"Say that to me again."

There's an unbridled rage in her eyes as she watched her partner, making it clear to him that he should choose his next words carefully.

He simply ignored the danger tipping in her blue orbs, much too consumed by the spur of the moment stubbornness. "You have no say in what I do with my life."

Slap. The sound echoed throughout the corridor, sounding so painful that Sirius touched his fingertips to his cheek, almost knowing exactly what his brother was feeling at that moment.

Her voice softened, but still withheld a firmness. "We made a promise to each other, Reg. This marriage may not be what we want, but we're going to respect each other."

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