Chapter 10:

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Hey guys! :)

So this chapter has a really unexpected bit so I hope you like!

"Another Cinderella Story"


Guys please go check out my besties Leonetta fanfic because it's seriously the best story ever and I love it so so so much and I know you will too so please?

Also, I am going to be updating every Friday and its hopefully going to always be a double update!

Hope you like this chapter!

Please vote & comment! <3

Love you xx


Violetta's POV:

It has been 2 days since Leon tried to kiss me, and my phone won't stop beeping


Leon: Hey look I'm really sorry I just couldn't help myself..I fucked up ok?

Leon: Look I know what I did was wrong please call me. x

Leon: Please Violetta..I know your mad but we could talk this through

Leon: I feel like such an idiot


Well you are one

I haven't been that close to a boy...

Not since James

James. Even his name gave me shivers.

But he's ancient history now

I remind myself

For the past 2 days, I've been distracting myself with school and homework, but nothing could take my mind of him.

His smile. His laugh. His eyes

Ugh. why does he have to look like that?

I cant believe he tried to kiss me like that..all of a sudden.

But what's harder to believe is that I slapped him and then left.

I mean I can't believe I had the courage to- when all I really wanted is to kiss him right back

Why why why?

Ugh my life is so cruddy right now

Beep beep


Leon: Please answer Violetta you know I didn't mean it


I almost consider texting back but then I mentally slap myself

I can't text him back.

"Violetta! Will you come here please?" I hear my dad call

I groan and walk out of my room and down the stairs to my dad in the kitchen

"Would you mind running to the shop and picking up some milk? We don't have any?" He asks handing me 5 euro

I sigh "Sure"

"Thanks honey"

I smile at him and walk out the door


Leons POV:

"So let me get this straight man"

Tomas says as we walk down the street

"you tried to kiss her and then she slapped you?"

"Yea" I sigh "And then drove away"

"Wow" he breaths

"She really is something"

Yeah she is something. She's Amazing, talented and beautiful

I say inside my head

"I feel like such an asshole" I say running a hand through my hair in frustration

"Why man? You didn't do anything wrong" Tomas says shrugging

"Its feels weird. I never heard of any girl ever do that before" I say

as we turn left and continue walking to where I parked my car

"Yeah well she is different. I feel so attracted to her ya know?" He says

No you can't...she's mine

"Join the club" I say

and he laughs

"Maxi and Diego feel the same way" He says

"I know. But sadly none of us have a chance" I say sighing

"Yeah your right" He shrugs

Just then, something catches my eye...something that makes my blood run cold.

It's Violetta, walking across the street beside us with her headphones on looking as ever stunning as ever, with her ombre hair cathching in the light breeze.

Only she doesn't see the truck...the truck that's getting closer and closer....


(A/N: Don't hate me! Its a double update!)

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