Chapter 7 as the smoke clears

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"We are getting reports from every group that the entrances were filled with gas and sealed tight. There were no signs that anything had even made it close to getting out." The major reported.

"Are the scans complete?" the general asked.

The major took a step forward and said, "Yes Sir."

"How Long till we open it back up and go and find it?" The major asked nervously.

The general studied him closely and said, "What is the problem here?"

The major hesitated because he didn't want to say the wrong thing. Especially with all the things that had happened and all the others that were still going on.

The general saw that there was something eating at him. So, he said, "Go ahead and speak freely."

The major looked up nervously. He had never been one to question any order. In fact, he usually preferred to follow them on blind faith. Knowing that the ones that were making the decisions were more informed. But he had gotten bad feelings deep inside when he was on the wrong track or something bad was going to happen. This time it was like a warning that something very bad was going to happen, and this time it was far worse than it ever had been before. So now he was torn all he wanted to do was simply do his job just like always, but his gut was telling him to run, run fast, and far as he can get.

Now all he had to do was convince the general it was a good idea and make it seem that it was his. He thought to himself he was going to make it happen. "Well, Sir. You know I would never question your orders. and I am not doing that now, but I am hoping that you might rethink them, sir."

At hearing this the general's face changed into a stern look and he thought for a moment about just how to handle it. His face lightened up just a little. He said, "I realize that you have never questioned any of my orders in the past. You must realize what an emergency situation this is, and we must do everything to destroy it at all costs including the destruction of the town. In fact, everything on the base and every man is expendable to ensure the death of that thing. It must not be allowed to escape. I won't see things come to that. All because those morons can't contain things properly. This whole system will be reevaluated once this is all done."

The major stopped and opened his mouth to say more then stopped short knowing that the general's mind had already been set. There would be no changing his direction now, all he could do is follow along and watch what happens and hope it doesn't get too bad.

The general's face went cold, and he said, "You have your orders. Now go and see that everything is dealt with."

The major quickly replied, "Yes Sir." Then left in a hurry to attend to everything.

This did make the general doublethink himself even if he could not show it ever it still brought the thoughts to his mind, but they were fleeting after all just what other option did, they have?

There was nothing to do but wait since all the gas was pumped and everything had been sealed. There were teams of men going around looking for any kind of leak. Even though every available man was being used they needed to search every building and every place along the way. They eventually found a few spots where the gas was leaking out, but it was easy to find them everything surrounding the leak was killed and turned black. Since the gas was so heavy once out it stayed near the ground and flowed to the lowest spots. They made sure to seal the hole and marked it for testing and collection. There was only one close call when the soldier tripped and fell and cracked the visor on his suit. He was quickly removed and thoroughly checked over.

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