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Mickey sat in the middle of the room, not a single sound distracting him

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Mickey sat in the middle of the room, not a single sound distracting him.
He mumbled quietly under his breath trying to find anyway to figure out where Madison was.
"Come on,"
He mumbled, squeezing his eyes tighter.
"Come on!"
He shouted, standing up angrily as he kicked his bed frame.
"Hey, what's a matter?"
Zoe asked softly, entering the room.
Mickey shouted at her, pulling at his hair harshly.
"Maybe if someone would look for my twin sister! Or start looking for the bastard that killed her!"
Mickey shouted, covering his eyes as he tried to take deep breaths.
Zoe approached Mickey like a wild animal, slowly placing her hands on his face.
"Hey, it's okay."
Mickey slowly took his hands away from his face, Zoe rubbing her thumbs across his cheek bones.
"I need to find Madi,"
Mickey whispered hoarsely, tears in his eyes.
"We will. We'll find her Mickey, I promise."
Zoe reassured him.
"What if we don't?"
Mickey sighed, biting back more tears as he thought of what would happen if he never saw his twin again.
"Hey, I won't let that happen,"
Zoe told the boy once again.
"You've been in here all day, let's go outside-"
Both teens turned to see Fiona in the doorway.
"We were all actually about to go on a nice walk."

Mickey walked with a small smirk as he followed behind Nan and Queenie.
If there was one thing he loved more than Madison, it was executions.
"This is just a joke right? They're not really gonna burn her right?"
Zoe asked quietly, her hand pulling on Mick's.
The boy looked down at their intertwined hands, a small smile tugging at his lips.
"Sweetheart, we never joke about executions."
All the witches came to a stop, watching as
Myrtle Snow was tied to the stake.
Mickey grinned wider feeling Zoe's hand tighten around his own.
"Any last words?"
Fiona smirked, a cigarette between her fingers.
"You're all a bunch of little toads in a pot that Fiona is slowly bringing to a boil. You won't even feel it until it's too late. I'd rather burn than boil."
Fiona approached the stake, flicking the end of her cigarette at the witch.
Zoe's hand tightened drastically around Mickey's hand as her face morphed into one of terror.
All while Mickey's mirrored one of admiration.

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