The accident-part 1

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It is a hot summer day in La Habra Ca. 1976.  JOSH GREEN and his best friend, SLIM BECKER, are training for the upcoming football season by running up and down the bleachers next to the football field at their High School.  Slim, a hulking 220 pound young man of pure muscle,  is tired and thinks that they should stop for the day.  Josh, a handsome young man with an athletic physique,  has other ideas.

SLIM- I'm tired bro. Let's call it quits.

Josh continues running while Slim takes a seat on one of the benches. Josh runs to the top of the steps and looks back at Slim.

JOSH-A couple more times man. This is going to be our senior year. I want to make it count.

Slim watches as Josh continues to fly up and down the stairs. Suddenly, as Josh is making a return trip back down the steps he stumbles, and in a tirade of off balance antics he finds himself going over the front rail of the bleachers and landing in such a manner that the side of his head hits the ground hard.


Slim runs down to where Josh is and sees that he is unconscious. Slim gets up and run towards the school campus.


Out of breath from running, slim dials 0 for operator. He puts the phone to his ear.

SLIM-Operator? I need an ambulance sent to Sierra Palm High School. Tell em to come to the football field. There's been an accident!


MITCH GREEN, EVELYN GREEN, and JULIE GREEN enter. They are Josh's parents and sister. Mitch and Evelyn are an attractive couple in their early forties. Julie is 10 and cute as a button. Mitch looks towards the admissions desk.

MITCH- I know that nurse at the desk. I deal with her all the time when we bring in rescues.

Mitch has Evelyn and Julie take a seat in the lobby. They don't notice that Slim is seated there as well. Mitch then goes to the admissions desk.  

RHONDA- Hey,  I almost didn't recognize you without your fireman's uniform.

MITCH- Rhonda, I got a call at home saying my son Josh was in an accident.  Is he going to be alright?

RHONDA- Josh Green? Oh my God.  I had no idea he was your son. He arrived unconscious about twenty minutes ago.

MITCH- When will we know something?

RHONDA- You'll know as soon as I do.

Rhonda points over to the waiting area in the lobby.

RHONDA- See the big kid over there?

Mitch looks.

MITCH- Slim.

RHONDA- He was with Josh in the ambulance.  He can tell you what happened.


Mitch, Evelyn, Julie, and Slim are thumbing through dog eared magazines.

SLIM- I should have made him stop. He was really wore out.

MITCH- Don't beat yourself up. You know how he is.

EVELYN- It's been over two hours.  When are we going to hear something?

Rhonda walks out from behind her desk and approaches the Green group.

RHONDA- The doctor will see you now.

MITCH- Slim, do us a favor and stay here with Julie.

SLIM- Sure.


DOCTOR FRAZIER speaks with Mitch and Evelyn outside the curtained area where Josh is lying in a hospital bed.  A nurse is taking Josh's blood pressure. Josh has regained consciousness.

DR. FRAZIER- I'm afraid I don't have good news. Your son, as a result of His fall, has most likely sustained a moderate to severe contusion to the brain.  I say this given the amount of time he's lost consciousness.  On top of that he has a small skull fracture where he landed. We'll have to keep our eyes on him for the next couple of weeks.

EVELYN- But will he be alright Doctor?  Will he be able to walk, run?  Will he be normal?

DR. FRAZIER- I believe so Mrs. Green.  He's definitely going to have to take it easy for some time, however.  I understand he plays football?

MITCH- That's right Doctor. He's the schools star running back. This is his Senior year. He'll be...

DR. FRAZIER- Look Mr. Green, there isn't going to be any football this year.  I'm sorry to say that young Josh is going to need to refrain from such activities.  I don't even want him driving for a couple weeks either.  We'll need to see how he progresses. We're going to keep him overnight for observation.  I'm afraid the future for your son is going to be quite different.

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