Teleporter Andrea. Part 22

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Andrea's Bronco pulls up in front of Josh's home.


Josh and Andrea are talking.

JOSH- Andrea I know a few other things about tomorrow.

ANDREA-Oh yeah?

JOSH- You know how you came over to your house today? Well your coming over to my house tomorrow. We're going to watch the Ram's game. You're going to be at my place at 9:30am.

ANDREA- Do you call me?


ANDREA- I look forward to it.

JOSH-Me too.

ANDREA-Josh before we end this night I have to tell you something. You know how I wore that yellow swimsuit today?

JOSH- How could I forget?

ANDREA-I tried wearing a different one. When I did it changed into the yellow one. Just like you said. I wore a yellow bikini. Josh if you say something is going to happen it will, one way or the other.


ANDREA- And it's just like the other day when I tried to wear a different outfit than you described.  When the change happend I felt so energized. I still feel that way. It's insane. I just feel so good.

Josh leans in and gives Andrea a kiss. When they separate Andrea is clearly effected.

ANDREA- Did you feel that?

JOSH- It was wonderful.

ANDREA- It was, but that's not what I'm talking about. It felt just like when those outfit changes happend to me . Somethings happening to me. It has to do with me touching you.

This time Andrea leans in for a kiss.


Sunday, September 12th, 1976. Josh is dressed and is reading the Sunday paper. He has also got pieces of paper on which he is making notes. Mitch comes into the kitchen.

MITCH- Morning son. What are you up to?

JOSH- I'm going over the scores to today's games. I already wrote down the Rams and Vikings score yesterday. I only follow three teams. The Rams, Vikings, and the Bills. The Bills don't play until Monday night I know that score also..

MITCH- My god Josh, do you realize what we're talking about here? I mean son this could change everything for our family. We wouldn't have to worry about money ever again.

JOSH- But would it be right?

MITCH-You know I have a friend at the station that bets on games all the time. He knows where to go and do it.

JOSH-Yeah I know. Frank. I've met him lots of times.


Andrea is ready to go over to Josh's. She sees that it is 9:10am. It's time to leave if she is to get there by 9:30am.

ANDREA- (Speaking to herself) What would happen if I didn't leave for Josh's? Oh this is going to be good.

Andrea lays on her bed with her hands behind her head.

ANDREA- (Speaking to herself) Talk about your own time machine.

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