Chapter 18.0

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When Amora woke up, she saw that Oberyn was asleep next to her

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When Amora woke up, she saw that Oberyn was asleep next to her. She sat noticing that she wasn't in her room but in another room.

"How are you feeling my love?" Oberyn asked as he stretched

"Hungry, but where am I?" Amora asked.

Oberyn sat hold taking Amora's hands in his as he prepared to tell her the news about her being with child and that she would be restricted from fighting for nine months.

"Amora my flower. You are carrying my child." Oberyn said with a huge smile on his face trying to search Amoras eyes for anything.

"Me with a child?" Amora asked shocked as placed a hand on her stomach.

Amora had never seen herself as the mother type, she had never expected in a million years to be carrying a child but she was kinda excited to be having one with Oberyn.

"Are you alright my love?" Oberyn asked worried that Amora hadn't said anything for a few minutes.

"Yeah, I'm shocked but happy at the same time if that makes any sense." Amora said looking at him.

"You'll make a fantastic mother, your great with all of the girls." Oberyn said pulling Amora in for a kiss.

Amora smiled rolling over on top of Oberyn as they kissed for a few minutes before deciding to get some food. Daenerys smiled when she saw Amora and Oberyn walking into the dining room for breakfast, she hoped to one day to find love like theirs.

"Good morning sweet cousin. I'm glad to see your doing better." Dany said hugging Amora.

"I'm fine. How's my sweet angel Viserion doing??" Amora asked worried about the Dragon who saved her.

"He's fine. After breakfast, you are more than welcome to go feed him and see him." Dany said glad that someone else had an appreciation for her dragons.

Amora smiled as she sat down next to her husband who wrapped his arm around her shoulder pulling her closer to him. Amora smiled leaning into him as they ate, Chi and Jorah walked into the room and smiled at the sight.

"I take it, you told her." Chi said sitting down across from them.

"He did. I plan to tell everyone once gets here for breakfast." Amora said smiling at her older brother.

A few minutes later everyone piled in, so Oberyn stood up smiling clinking a glass to get everyone's attention.

"Everyone I am pleased to announce that my beautiful wife is with a child." Oberyn said smiling as Ellaria and his girls broke out into a huge smile before getting up to congratulate them.

After breakfast and the celebration of Amora being with child, Amora made her way outside to go see Viserion shocked when she saw Jon out there trying to pet him.

"He knows if you're afraid, which makes him afraid." Amora said snapping Jon from his thoughts.

"And you weren't afraid of them when you first saw them?" Jon asked as Amora approached Viserion petting him.

"No, they're just beings who need to be loved like us. If I were to have that viewpoint I would have never kept Nala when I got her." Amora said looking at him.

"Can I ask how you got her? I know your house is not based in the North like the wolves are." Jon asked.

"I was traveling back home from a battle on a house road when I came across Nala. She was about to kill by some hunters when I stopped them, after nearly getting myself killed she came over and kissed me and we've been attached at the hip since." Amora said smiling at the memory.

"Now Lord snow, I want you to pretend Viserion here is your direwolf and softly brush hands against him." Amora said bringing Jon's hand up to Viserion.

Viserion opened his mouth showing his teeth as if he were trying to say he liked it, which caused Amora to smile.

"Don't get too comfortable. He will always prefer me more." Amora said smiling as she scratched Viserions head.

"Technically there your cousins. Speaking of her, is she?" Jon asked hoping Amora would get what he was asking.

Amora smiled at Jon's question, she had a feeling that there might be something going on between her cousin and Jon. Oberyn watched from the balcony of their room as Amora and Jon talked.

"Oberyn get that thought out of your head. Lord Snow wants her cousin, not her." Ellaria said standing next to him looking out at Jon and Amora.

"It just still worries me I drove her away once, what's to say I won't do it again." Oberyn asked looking at Ellaria.

"Hopefully my love, you have learned that lesson. Plus you have me and the girls to keep you on track." Ellaria said looking at Amora who was making her way inside.

Amora and Ellaria spoke for a few moments before Amora made way into her and Oberyn's room where she saw Oberyn laying down reading something. She smiled crawling into bed knocking the book out of her lover's hand before kissing him hungrily.

"I could definitely get used to this for the next nine months." Oberyn said as Amora worked her way down his body.

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