#1-My name is Bob

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"Hello! Nice to meet you! Bonjour! Hola! Aloha! The whole she-bang! It's an honor to be here today to introduce the star of our show!
What, you thought that was me? Oh, no, I'm just the moderator of our little shindig. The name's Ailsa, which, in Gaelic, means Fairy rock. Weird, am I right?
Anywho, getting on with introductions, the true star of our show is none other than Bon Bon Bob the Marshmallow!"

*round of applause*

A white cylinder rolls onto the stage before propping itself upright, revealing two beady eyes.

"'Ello then, Bob! Can I call you Bob? It's a pleasure to have you here with us today."
The marshmallow wiggles, its eyes blinking before a low pitched voice made its way through a speaker on the table in front of Ailsa and the marshmallow.
"Hello, my name is Bob! I'm so glad to be here!"

*round of applause*

"So, Bob, I may or may not have heard you're starring in the new hit series, "Mints and Morsels" anything you can tell us about it?" Said Ailsa cheerily. The marshmallow wiggled as the voice came out of the speaker.

"I can't say much without spoiling it, but I can tell you that it is going to be great, with lots of action, adventure, and possibly some drama."

"Ooooh, I smell a romance! Can you tell us who? Or is that revealing too much?"

"It would be revealing too much, sorry, but I can tell you that fans are going to love it!"

Ailsa looked to the camera, smiling.

"Well, we are certainly in for a treat! We'll be talking about the benefits of listening to ASMR after a short break!"

Ailsa winked at the camera before the staff signaled that they were no longer rolling. Ailsa dropped her smile, looking to Bob. "I wish you could tell us more about the show, must be difficult with such a strict contract," she said. Bob nodded, though, it looked more like a jiggle. The staff started a timer to show how much time they had left before the show was back on. Ailsa looked at her script, feeling awkward with the pause in the conversation. If she were entirely honest, she wasn't a fan of Bob, he creeped her out. He was always silent, rarely blinked, and was often found staring at people. His role in some of the most grossing horror movies of the century didn't help much, either.

She looked up from her script as she felt a chill through the air. She looked to the staff who seemed to be acting normally, before seeing something... off with Bob.

He was staring at her face. They made eye contact, the chilly air turned into a frozen dagger of ice that seemed to stab Ailsa with every breath. She stared at Bob, horror filling her features, as he wiggled, the voice coming through the speaker.

"Have fun in Hell!"

Bob looked to the staff who were busy packing everything up from the show. One of the camera men handed a note to the marshmallow, his hands just barely shaking.
It read,
To whom it may consider,
The show is canceled. I have seen the error of continuing such a terrible cringe-fest. My fellow hosts tried to warn me, and yet I did not listen. I am donating all of my money to charity and going to retire to the Bahamas.
Do not disturb me.
Ailsa Bonat

Bob wiggled towards the crew member, before rolling off the set. The lights of the studio turning off as Bob and the crew exited the building. A single spotlight illuminated the empty chair of the host. The note resting on the  seat.


Ok! That was the first snippet of this book, let me know what you think!


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