Two Of Us Separated By The Stars

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Art from Shari Coté

-Angst and kinda Character Death

Upon exiting the killing game, they are greeted by a crowd of people. When the crowd thins out and relatives are found, kaito's grandparents approach Maki and give her a picture of what looked to be kaito smiling and giving a thumbs-up. She broke down, his grandparents comforting her. She puts it in a frame and keeps it on a shelf.
She searches her phone surprised to see a contact named Kaito Momota, perhaps it's just hope but she calls anyway. When there was no answer (to be expected) she sighed, then suddenly a voice spoke up "Hello this is Momota Kaito, I'm sorry but I must be busy at the moment, when I get done I'll call you back!"

... it was a voice mail.
She wished it wasn't

-song that inspired this - two of us by Louis Tomlinson.

Pregame personalities don't exist in this AU. I could/should write more for this, I might but I don't really know.

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