Spirits and Ghosts

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It had been a month since the killing game ended.

Maki walked next to Shuichi, it was early in the morning so the streets weren't crowded but the occasional passerby would squeal as they saw both of the survivors, thankfully there was no further commotion beyond that. Neither of them talked as they made their way to the cemetery, Shuichi had found his hat again, and was now wearing it. He did take the hat off once in a while though. Which was a relief, she didn't want him reverting back to his old personality she had seen in the game.

Himiko hadn't been able to hang out with them. It seemed that her family had really clung to her when she had returned from the game. Still Himiko promised she would go visit the other participants graves when she had her chance.

When they arrived in the graveyard Shuichi walked to Kaede's grave and Maki went to Kaito's. They both stayed there for a while, Shuichi visited all the graves, Maki visited most of the graves, but avoided Kokichi's.

She still didn't know how to feel about him, she hated him once she learned he was responsible for Kaito's death. Yet, she silently told herself that it was her fault as well, if she had waited just a bit longer, both of them would probably have been alive.

Kokichi probably was going to do something anyway, she had no reason to blame herself. Right no reason at all.

She waited for Shuichi at the entrance to the yard, she didn't want to think about the killing game, it was hard to as is. Footsteps, she turned around as Shuichi walked towards her. She immediately noticed the problem "It's not your fault, you know that right Shuichi?" The specific downcast expression always gave it away.

"I know but, I sent so many people to their death. That wasn't what a detective was supposed to do." His voice got softer when he reached the end of his sentence.

"That may not be what a detective should've done" she sighed, she was bad at this 'new encouragement thing'. "But it wasn't your fault, Monokuma made those rules and we were forced to follow them. For now all we can do is try to stop the killing games so no one suffers like we did anymore." She put a hand on his shoulder. 'This is what Kaito would do right?'

Shuichi smiled at her "Thank you Maki. Really I mean it."

She smiled at him slightly "Don't worry about it."

He looked at his watch. "I think we should be going now it's almost 2:00"

Right, they didn't want to be pestered by fans on the way home, Shuichi had almost been kidnapped as it was.

So they both walked back to where they started, once they reached the spot they said their goodbyes to eachother.

Maki walked back silently, observing some of her surroundings. There were a few more people on the road but none of them recognized her, that was truly a relief.

A spike of purple hair appeared in the space. It was in front of the person she was walking behind. It couldn't be right? She quickened her pace. Eventually passing the person she was walking behind.

The figure she saw took a right down a alley but not before Maki saw a purple coat dangling from their arms, she ran to the alley not saying sorry for any of the passerby she hit. She turned the corner in high speed. No one, there was literally no one in the alley besides herself.

She sighed, first breaking down, then hallucinations? Had she had a mental illness previously? Probably not, she had been fine during the game.

"Ooh Mrs.Asassin-chan is wondering about life, how ironic!"

All thoughts in Maki's mind went blank, not this again. She hoped he was still under that hydraulic press. She looked around with a reaquired glare on her face, yet still there was no one besides her in that alley, what was going on?

"Hearing voices now aren't we? Are you finally going insane?"

"Do you want to die Ouma?"

"Nishishi I've already died as you can see, wait not see?" His voice in a questioning tone.

"Do you want to die again?"

"Of course I do!"

"Come here then"

"But that's a lie, well I'm leaving now to go haunt Saihara-chan, I bet he'll be SUPER freaked out! Bye Harumaki!"

Then silence, well that comfirmed it, she was going mentally insane. That or a ghost had just talked to her. She refused to believe the second option.

She headed home, she needed sleep either way. The ghost had given her a massive migraine.

Kokichi's POV (Don't worry this is the only one)

He watched as Kaito ran from Maki, who had spotted him. Seriously, Kaito needed to face her sooner or later. Kaito had been freaked out once they became ghosts but it seemed that Kaito still was scared of them. Now he thought humans were ghosts.

Sure, Kokichi had told multiple lies towards that goal. But by now Kaito should have known that his words could only be treated as a lie. Kaito had been prone to saying all the words out Kokichi's mouth were lies, so why did he believe him now?

Eh oh well, he watched as Maki stood in the alley, obviously confused. It wouldn't hurt to give her a hint that she could still communicate with them, would it? He paused before he did this, could a human kill a ghost? Probably not he reasoned, but even if they could he doubted it would hurt more than the Hydraulic Press. With that thought in mind he flew down to where Maki was, and began to bug her.

"But that's a lie, well I'm leaving now to go haunt Saihara-chan, I bet he'll be SUPER freaked out! Bye Harumaki!"

That was also a lie, most of that sentence was, at least Maki wouldn't freak out again when he manages to convince Kaito to talk to Maki.

Maybe they would finalize their t-

"Shhhhhh" the pain was back, he vaguely realized that everything was fading as he fainted.

Kaito's POV:

He knew he shouldn't be avoiding this problem. Maki was one of his sidekicks, she had even told the hero that she loved him. Had Kokichi influenced that? He didn't believe it when he heard it for whatever reason, maybe his illness was interupting his thoughts and he had only dreamt of that.

At this point who even knew. He walked through a building to the right of him, a perk he had found of being a ghost. Huh, it seems like he finally acknowledged that.

He waited there for a while just staring at the wall, did he really want to avoid Maki or was he making excuses to try to dodge his fear?

Maybe he should face his fears headstrong like he used to. He could face the fear of Maki loving him being a figment of his imagination.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2019 ⏰

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