Chapter Eight

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We had been silent for most of the ride. I sat behind Charles with my hands in my lap and watching the night sky as the stars passed overhead in a beautiful menagerie of lovely twinkling lights. The sudden calm had caused my exhaustion to catch up with me. My eyes were growing heavy, and I could feel my body swaying. My eyes slid closed, and I felt my body jerk suddenly, rousing me from sleep. I thrashed around, striking out at anything near me as Charles tried desperately to calm me down.

"(F/N)! It's okay, you're safe!" He insisted, holding me close to his body.

"Charles...? Did I fall...?" I questioned, out of breath.

"No, I got you." He said, shifting slightly with me in his arms. I was embarrassed to say the least, but he carried me over to a nearby tree, and placed me to where my back was resting against the trunk.

"I'm sorry..." I mumbled, rubbing my face as he took a seat next to me.

"You don't need to apologize." He said.

"No, I do..." I laughed, turning my head towards him.

"You've been nothing but kind and considerate since I arrived... you're trying to help, and I'm-" Charles cut me off with a low sigh.

"If you're trying to tell me you've been a nuisance, you're wrong." He said, and I felt my lips fold into a straight line.

"You've been nothing but help around the camp. You're a remarkable physician. So I understand your mentality of taking care of everyone before yourself, but... you can't ignore your own health in the process." Charles spoke. Suddenly I was wide awake and hanging on every word.

"Whatever happened to you in the past... I promise it will never happen again. I'll- I mean we'll... the gang... will protect you, no matter what." He assured, and I noticed him stumbling over his words.

"The nightmares will never go away... but I feel like I can be hopeful for a better future now." I admitted, turning my eyes to the night sky.

"(F/N)...?" Charles spoke, and I hummed in question, turning to look at him.

"I think you're an incredible woman... you're strong, smart, kind, and beautiful..." He hesitated for a moment as I lifted my head off the tree to look at him. His eyes exhibited a sense of poise and earnestness, and I felt my cheeks burn as the blood rose to them.

"Charles, I..." I mumbled as he moved closer to me. His eyes moved between my eyes and lips, and it only made my heart beat harder.

"Ch-" I started, but he closed the space between us by pressing his lips against my own.

I hesitated for a moment as he tilted his head to deepen the kiss. My eyes slid closed as his lips moved against mine, and his hand touched my cheek in a tender way. After what seemed like hours, he pulled away, keeping our faces inches apart. He was slightly breathless, and the heat resonating between our blushing faces only increased that heat.

"I'm sorry..." Charles mumbled.

"I shouldn't have done that..." He said, and I smiled, shaking my head.

"I like you, Charles... a lot... it's just-" I started, but Charles finished my sentence.

"You have feelings for Arthur." He said, with a knowing look. My eyes widened, and I sat up straight.

"What?! That's ridicu-" I started, but Charles cut me off.

"I know, (F/N)... it's okay. I've seen how you look at him, how the two of you talk... the things you do for him... I admit it's made me a bit envious." He said, giving a low chuckle.

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