Peko's Party.

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A/N: This story is written all in Fuyuhiko's POV.

God. This time of year again, huh?
Those were the words I thought to myself as I paced up and down in my bedroom. My hand was on my chin, and I couldn't help but stare out of the window, even as my shoes plodded across the luxurious carpet beneath them. It was the 28th of June. A day that filled me with dread. Not because something bad had happened, but because it was only 2 days until my girlfriend's birthday. She deserved the world, yet here I was; forgetting about her birthday until the very last second. Like always. She was used to this behaviour. My family took her in, but she was never allowed to properly join in with anything. She was never really one of us. She was always somewhere else. The majority of the time, they forgot about her completely. I hated that she thought it was normal for people to forget about her. I couldn't believe I'd done it myself. God, what a fuckin hypocrite! I'm no better than the rest of 'em, am I?! I was getting all worked up just thinking about it. I raised my hand, clenching it into a fist and bared my teeth. I swung my arm back, getting ready to thrust it forward into the wall to take out my anger, when I heard a knock on the door.
"Fuyu? Are you decent?"
Me?! In-fuckin-decent?! My face flushed at the very thought. Or maybe it was the thought that she could even think about that. Nevertheless, I let my arm swing limply by my side. She didn't need to see me in this state.
"Yeah, I'm decent, Pekpek. Come in..."
The door was pushed open slowly, and she walked in. My beautiful girlfriend. Who had great big bags under her eyes, and had her hair messed up. Big time. She rubbed one of her eyes with her hand, the other hand clutching a big book about animals. It was a picture book, mainly intended for kids. But was I gonna point that out when she begged me to buy it for her? Dear fuck no!
"S-Sorry Fuyu..."
She yawned out, quickly covering her mouth with her hand as not to be rude.
"The sofa wasn't quite as comfy as I thought it would be..."
Of course. This was her first time stayin at my place, and she thought it 'improper' to sleep in my bed, even though I told her repetitively it was okay. God, I wished I was more assertive. Nevertheless, I embraced her. She smelled beautiful, of pure jasmine and honey. I buried my face into her long, silvery hair, smiling to myself.
"I told you that you could sleep up here... I wouldn't have minded..."
She chuckled sleepily, her smooth voice breaking from the tiredness present in her. She wrapped her delicate porcelain arms around my waist, snuggling into my body.
"N-No... We've only been going o-out for a while, Fuyu..."
My nose wrinkled. What the hell did she think I was gonna do, try it on with her? I would never even attempt it. Not until I knew she was properly ready and dedicated. It was up to her, really. She shifted a little in my arms and yawned again.
"E-Excuse me... But it's okay. I g-got sleep, didn't I?"
I shook my head and took the book from her. I laid it down carefully by my bed, and took the sheets a little way down the mattress.
"Get in, Peko... You're sleepin, alright? I don't want you in this state. You need your beauty sleep."
She giggled to herself, her face flushing a little. She gazed at me for a while before I felt her soft hands on my back. She leaned in and planted a kiss on my lips. I was eager to return it, my hands reaching up to play with her gorgeously soft hair. We stayed like that for a while, our lips gently colliding together like rough waves against rocks. Her hair was soft and silky against my fingers. A smile spread from ear to ear on my face as she pulled herself away. She stroked my face.
"...Thank you. Thank you, Fuyu."
And with that, she climbed into my bed and pulled the covers over her body.

The remote was in my hand. Different colours flashed on the TV in front of me, along with many different sounds. Ranging from crying, to screaming, to moaning. Ugh. Fuckin gross. I slammed down the remote on the table, my teeth clenched. Peko was asleep upstairs, bless her, so I had no one to talk to. Unless... I worked on her birthday present. It was in 2 days. What the fuck did I get the woman?! I thought heavily to myself, my hands slamming over my head as I tried to rack my brain. My fingers ran through my blond hair, my eyes squeezed tightly shut.
And that's when it hit me.
My eyes shot open, as fast as lightning. I knew what I needed to do. I grabbed my phone from the table in front of me, and went onto our group chat. I took a deep breath. I knew how some people got when I talked about Peko.

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