chapter 1

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William POV

William arrives in the room of the hospital where stood his two sons, both in coma, his eldest, Michael, was very unstable, his heartbeat goes to very low and too high, now his youngest, Chris, which was physically weaker than his older brother, stand it without many difficulties, his beats were stable, not being the concern of man. William sits next to the beds, stroking his hand on both boys inconsolable

"Hi boys, daddy is back" William whispers, opening a unhappy smile

Michael's heart beat stops, making the man feel his heart stop and making him start crying, after a few seconds the beat back to normal, synchronizing with the youngest boy's beat, the doctor arrives running, looking at Chris' heart monitor and then Michael's

"Again! Is the fourth time in this hour" the doctor grumble, not noting that the father of the boys was there

"How so the fourth time in this hour?" William questions rising from the chair, becoming increasingly concerned

"Oh, I haven't seen you were here Mr.afton" the doctor says putting his hand on his hair

"Is he dying ?! what's going on with my son ?! why his beat are so unstable ?!" William question with intense tears going down from his eyes

Chris POV

Chris runs to the left door and, with flashlight at hand, illuminates the corridor, there was nothing

"Get out from wherever you are, stupid bear!" The boy screams going to the middle of the room, a laugh echoes in corridors and in the room "hurry up, your Coward! Appear from where you are"

Please, there has to be a answer doctor! I don't want to lose my boy, I don't want to bury another child!

The boy know very well that voice "Papa!" Chris screams dropping his Lantern, starting to cry

The flashlight disappears as it falls into the ground, but Chris hadn't noticed, he was too distracted with his father's voice "Papa! Where are you?" Chris screams starting to sob

Michael POV

A yellow bear arises from the darkness, approaching the black-haired boy that was on his knees on the dark floor

"Who are you?" Michael questions raising his head, letting the tears trickle for his cheeks and fall on the floor

The bear says nothing just go to a bit to the side, a crack opens, revealing a room with a carpet Blue, Blue light walls with a part Gray with vertical stripes, in the middle of the room a boy  with a dark blonde hair, pale skin, black shirt with two vertical stripes, blue shorts and White socks trembled wiping his tears, the boy was very familiar to the teen

"Papa" The boy calls among the hiccups

"C-Chris? Chris!" Michael screams rising up as he recognizes his younger brother

A black bear begins to materialize behind Chris

"Chris, behind you!" Michael screams trying to run to the crack to save his brother, but something prevented him, his left ankle was chained "what?! NO!! I HAVE TO SAVE HIM!! LET ME GO!! CHRIS!!" Michael screams extending his hand in the crack's direction while the bear approaches the boy

William POV

"Papa" Chris murmurs, pressing the white blanket that the covered him, his heart monitor accelerates

William's eyes wide, the man goes to the side of the his son's bed and holds his hand

"Papa!" Chris screams starting to cry and to kick, the doctor runs to the boy and holds his shoulders before he hurt himself

"It's me! It's me! Calm down, baby, please. You're ok, you're safe, no one will hurt you!" William says passing his hand on his son's cheek, wiping his tears away. Chris' eyes open immediately widing, his breath was very fast and his heart monitor tried to follow the speed of his heart beat

"Papa?" Chris questions among the hiccups

"'s me, i'm here with you" William says huging his youngest son and stroking his head

Chris hug his father and hide his face man's shoulder

"Papa!" Chris murmurs sobbing

"I'm here ... what daddy will protect you!" William says

Something catches the boy's attention, a bed next to his that was a teenager with black hair and pale skin due to blood loss

"Papa!" Chris calls pulling on his father's shirt.

"Yes, Christopher?" William asks, releasing the hug, but not letting go of the boy.

"What happened to big brother?" Chris asks pointing to his brother in hospital bed

"I'm sorry Chris, your brother ... he ... he tried to take his own life, putting his own head in Fredbear's mouth," William says, stroking his son's head as a consolation.

"No ..." Chris sobs.


"No, he didn't!" Chris yells banging his hands on the bed

"Christopher, hey, listen to me!" William says hugging the boy again, calming his son "it'll be okay, your brother will be fine"

"May i hug big brother?" Chris asks the doctor, wiping his tears away

"I'm sorry kiddo, but he's very unstable ... you can hold his hand if you want to" the doctor responds disconnecting the boy's heart monitor so he can get out of bed

William takes his son on his lap, takes him to the bed and puts him sitting next to his brother

"Fredbear!" Chris says pointing to his teddy bear in the side of the bed

William takes the plush and puts it on the boy's lap, who holds his brother's hand. Michael begins to open his eyes gradually

"Michael ...?" Chris asks pressing the bear on his arms

"C-Chris ... y-you're fine!" Michael mutters, taking his hand from under his brother's and placing it on the boy's cheek.

"You too!" Chris says putting his hand on top of his brother's, opening a hopeful smile, making Michael smile too.

Chris looks at the doctor, who nods smiling at the boy.

"Go ahead" The doctor speaks

Chris lies next to his brother hugging him, Michael puts his arm around the boy and kisses his forehead, where it is covered with bandages

"I love you, little brother," Michael says, stroking the back of his brother's head.

"I love you too, big brother." Chris says snuggling into his brother's arms with his teddy bear on his arms.

William walks over, sits on the edge of the bed and caresses the two boys, making sure both of them will be fine

A brother's sorrow (original by @Eris345)Where stories live. Discover now