Chapter 2: Hotel Room

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(Rydel's POV)

We were all sharing one massive hotel room. It was the next day. I walk into the big kitchen with Ratliff where everyone was. I get a drink out of the fridge.

Beauty- Is there a reason you got up together?

I slam my drink on the table and breath in trying not to shout.

Rydel- We're not dating! And Aunt Julie I'm pretty sure that she knows stuff she shouldn't at her age

Julie- Yeah why did you say what you said?

Beauty- Why? Is there a problem?

Paul- Yes you said got up together do you know something we should know about?

Beauty- I'm 9 not stupid which is how I know their dating

Rydel- We're not dating!

Ross- Geez I am sick of hearing that

Rydel- Well you wouldn't have to if our crazy cousin would get over it

Beauty- I'm not crazy! In fact if im crazy then so are you

Rydel- How am I?

Beauty- I'm Mini Rydel

Rydel- So? Your not me are you good at dancing?

Beauty- No and neither are you your actually the worst dancer ever why'd they even hire you at the Rage? You stink

(Ratliff's POV)

Rydel started crying and ran out of the room. I sighed. I went to go after her but Stormie stopped me.

Stormie- Leave her

Julie- Beauty! How dare you! You know how much Dancing means to Rydel

Beauty- I'm sorry but she stole Ratliff I'm mad at her

I kneeled in front of her on the floor while she sat on the chair at the table.

Ratliff- Beauty I promise you me and Rydel are not dating we're just close friends and I don't like Rydel like that ok even if we were dating then you'd be the first to know

Beauty- Promise?

Ratliff- I promise now I'm gonna go talk to Rydel

I stand up and go to her bedroom. I open the door and find her sat on the edge of the bed crying. I sit next to her. She sees me and crys more so I put my arm around her hugging her.

Ratliff- Hey you ok?

Rydel- No I can't believe she said that and just because she thinks we're dating

Ratliff- Then prank her

Rydel- What?

Ratliff- To get back at her text everyone saying pretend to Beauty we're dating that we kept it a secret and since she made you upset make her upset

Rydel- I don't know it seems mean since she is my 9 year old cousin

Ratliff- Fine let her get away with it but I thought that Rydel Lynch wouldn't let any beat her that she would come out as the winner I guess I was wrong

I looked at her and she took out her phone. I looked over at it.

Ratliff- What are you doing?

Rydel- Texting Everyone she is going to pay

Ratliff- There's the Rydel I met 5 years ago

(Ross's POV)

I got a text. I opened it up on my phone. It was from Rydel- "To get back at Beauty me and Ell are going to act as if we're dating to annoy her so just play along". We all looked at each other and nodded I guess they got the same message. We were now in the Family Room. Then Rydel and Ratliff walks out of the bedroom holding hands.

Beauty- (Gasps) RYDELLINGTON! I knew it! Hey can I have a picture?

Rydel- Sure

She took out her phone and took a picture.

Beauty- Suckers! This is so going on Instagram and everyone will know and let's see how fans will react to it

Rydel- Go ahead they all ship Rydellington so we have no problem

Beauty- Fine

She sent it to Instagram and suddenly comments appeared.

Ross- Wow they do ship you

Rydel- Told Ya!

Beauty- Whatever I just hope you don't mind that I put the Caption Rydellington is Real!

Rydel- WHAT?!

Beauty- Yep now they will believe it and know the truth that your dating

Ratliff- We're not though! We did it to upset you since you upset Rydel! Now you've ruined it

Rocky- Yeah now in Interviews all people will want to know is about Rydellington!

Beauty- Then it looks like you have a problem

Alexa- Beauty! How could you do that?

Beauty- Why do you care Blondie?

Rocky- Hey! Leave Lex out of it!

Beauty- Why do you even like her?

Rocky- Hmm I don't know maybe because she's my girlfriend!

Beauty- (laughs) nice one

She stops laughing and looks at them.

Beauty- Wait your serious?

Alexa- Yeah!

Beauty- Awesome Rydellington and Rocklexa! The fans are going to love this

She took out her phone and Rocky grabbed it.

Beauty- Hey! Give that back!

Rocky- I don't think so

Beauty- That's my phone! It's mine

Rocky- I know and if you want it so much then get it!

He stands on the balcony and puts his hand out. We all watch him and Alexa stands a the balcony door while Rocky and Beauty stands on the Baclony.

Alexa- Don't Rocky!

Rocky- I won't if she deletes the pictures and tells everyone that Rydellington isn't real and neither is Rocklexa!

Alexa- But we are real

Rocky- I know that, you know that, everyone here knows that but the world doesn't know that and they can't not yet

Beauty- Alright I promise don't do it

Rocky- Here

He gives her the phone back. We all walk back inside.

(Alexa's POV)

We all walk back inside and I walk over to Rocky.

Alexa- So why can't the World know about us yet?

Rocky- We're on a World Tour of they found out then no one would care about R5 they would want gossip and the details but maybe when the tours over

Alexa- Alright

Ellen- How about a family meal?

Everyone- Ok

We all got changed and went out.

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