Chapter 3

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It was now May in Phoenix. The air was hotter, our shorts were shorter, and we all, inevitably, had the taste of summer in our mouths. I had known Carter now for a month, and we had become inseparable. After being practically friendless for all of my high school career thus far, this was a nice change.

"Hello, dearest Rylee," Carter said as he set his tray on the lunch table.

"You are so formal," I laughed and poked his stomach. "Such a gentleman."

He took off his invisible hat, and took a bow. "Howdy, partner," he said with a ridiculous, fake, old western accent. " I reckon you're as glad as I am that it is Friday!" I couldn't help but laugh out loud. He was such a dork!

"Okay," he said as he sat down beside me. "In all seriousness, we should go on a walk tonight. I really need to talk to you."

"Yeah, no problem," I said, as I set down my fork and looked in his gorgeous green eyes. "I'll be there. Meet at the park by my house at 8?"

"Yeah, that sounds perfect."

Oh, he had no idea how perfect it sounded.

8:15; he wasn't there. I began to panic. 8:30; still a no-show. Did he forget about our plans or was he blatantly blowing me off? I pulled out my phone and called his cell. Voicemail. Dang it.

"Hey, this is Carter. Leave me a message!"

"Carter, it's Rylee. I am at the park. It sort of surprised me that you weren't here on time, but I guess you don't have to worry about it. It's just, you never forget our plans. I mean, if something came up," I paused and took a deep breath. "Just call me when you get the chance." I dropped my phone in my lap and started to cry.

At 8:45 with still no response from Carter, I decided to cry my way home.

It was 9:17 when my house phone rang.

"Rylee, it's for you," my mom called up the stairs. I met her halfway and took the phone.


"Ry," the voice on the other end took a sharp breath. "It's Carter."

"Oh. Hi," I croaked, a little unsure of how to handle the situation.

"Listen," he said shakily. "I'm at the hospital."

"Oh my god, is everything alright?!" I began to pace.

"Can," he sniffed. I could tell he was crying. "Can you meet me here? I need you, Rylee. I need you."

I always wanted to hear those words from him, but not like this.

I didn't really have to think about what I did next. I ran down the stairs and out the door. I heard my mom yelling from behind me, wondering where I was going, but I didn't stop to respond. I knew where the hospital was, it was only 3 blocks away. I opened the door and ran.

When I saw Carter standing in front of the hospital, I picked up my pace. I didn't just run to him, I sprinted.

"Carter! What is going on?" I nearly tackled him trying to hug him and slow down simultaneously.

"My grandma," he disclosed. "She is really, really sick."

"What happened, exactly?" I instinctually grabbed his hand to comfort him. He didn't move his away.

"She has," he swallowed. "Cancer."

"How could she have Cancer? You told me that she was just ill!" I took a step away and released his hand.

"We didn't know. She never told us. All we knew was that she was sick. She says she knew something was wrong, but she didn't want to go to the doctor because she hates bad news. We won't know for sure until the test come back, but the doctor says he is ninety-nine percent sure it is cancer." Carter looked back at the hospital's sliding glass doors, waiting to see his grandma walk out as if this had never happened. I didn't know what to say, so I just hugged him. It was weird, because I am not sure exactly how long we sat there in each other's arms, but it was long enough to get 12 missed calls from my parents.

It was 11:49 when I walked in the door to see my dad sitting at our kitchen table.

"Rylee Catherine Peters! Where have you been?!" He stood up and began to walk towards me.

"D-d-dad," I stammered. "It was Carter."

"I should have known. Teenage boys are nothing but trouble!"

"Dad! You don't understand!"

"I understand just fine, Rylee! I---" my dad was interrupted when my mom ran in the room.

"Michael! Stop it!" My mom came and pulled me into a side hug. "Our baby girl is home. Let's just listen to what she has to say before we get upset!" My mom has always saved me. My relationship with my dad has always been strained because he is never home, and when he is, he expects me to be perfect, and has a wicked temper. I sat down and began to tell the story, beginning to end, while I tried not to vomit from the pressure of my huge sobs.

Carter Mattingly was missing for the next week of school. He sent me a text and told me the news, but I never talked to him about it in person. He said he wanted to be alone so he could clear his head. The next time I saw him was the Monday after the funeral.

Carter's body may have walked the halls of Wilvern High that day, but the guy I knew didn't.

"Hey," he spoke so softly I could barely hear. Weird, I thought. He is usually so adorably outgoing. "I am so sorry I ditched you last week. I just can't believe this all happened. I mean, Friday, my grandma fainted, and it wasn't until Tuesday that her test came back positive, but it was already too late."

"Do you know how bad I would have felt had you come to the park with me knowing it might by the last time you'd see her?" I looked at him to gauge his reaction.

"Yeah, I am sort of glad I didn't meet you. But I should have called, I was rude."

"It wasn't rude. This time was different," I assured him.

I don't know what possessed me to do it, but at that moment, I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

"Feel better," I said, backing away.

He looked very surprised at first, but that shock turned into a grin.

"I'll do my best, Rylee. I'll do my best."

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