1- "Birthday Crasher"

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*Adelina's pnt. Of view*

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Anna-Marie! Happy birthday to you!" Cheered the pack, as the Alpha and me held our princess, and the crowd serenaded us with the birthday song.

I smiled and Cilia walked up to Anna and said "Anna, can you tell and show us how old you are now?"

Anna's big round eyes shined as a giggle erupted from her chubby chest, then she blinked at her teacher, and eyed the expectant crowd.

Then when she saw that everyone was staring at her, she looked at me and I smiled in encouragement.

"I me 3!" She yelled, as she held up the three fingers.

My heart melted as a crowd of ladies hummed simultaneously "awee!"

Cilia clapped along with everyone else, then the celebrations began.

Demitrey landed a kiss on Anna's cheeks, then handed her to Aunty D, then he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to his chest as he kissed my lips.

I would never get over the warmth that always enveloped us when we kissed.

When he pulled away I smiled and said "What was that for?"
"I am so in love with you... how about we go upstairs for while, no one will notice were gone." He suggested as he kissed my neck.

I closed my eyes and sighed, but then I realized "hey! There are kids here. Get off." I laughed, as he pouted and batted his eye lashes.
"Demitrey no, there will be plenty of time for that." I tried to appease him, as a few of the pack children ran about playing tag, Anna-Marie leading the gang.
"You know, all I have to do is use "the voice" and you'll be all mine." He teased, and I gasped as I said "you wouldn't dare. Its our daughter's birthday you can't possibly be thinking about that right now."
"Well with you in this outfit, that's all I can think about... and more." He whispered the last part kissing my ear, as a shiver ran over my skin.

"All right that is enough you two. You should be ashamed of yourselves, there are children around." We heard a familiar voice scold behind us.

Even though she was now a frequent flyer, Selene never ceased to make a startling entrance.

Literally startling.

"Selene, I-II its not what you think." I stuttered, trying to explain the fact I was battling every cell of my body to stop myself from falling into Demitrey's seducing suggestion.
"It is exactly what I think it is. But I am not here to reprimand your actions, I brought a gift for our princess, I also bring a warning." She stated calmly as she handed me a small box with Anna's name on it.
"Thank you." I smiled, as I handed one of the ladies the box, then I turned back to Selene and said "what warning?"

But Selene said nothing. She simply hummed and clasped her hands with a smile as she looked over the pack.

I always hated when she did this, always calm, even when she knew there was something coming our way.

"Selene?" I almost whined, the anticipation killing me.
Selene in turn looked at me and smiled, then she pet my cheek, and pet Demitrey's cheek as she said "a power couple indeed."
"Selene you're scaring me." I urged.
"I'm always scaring you. Today is a happy day, enjoy it, but just be careful, there are strangers among you. But don't fret over the details, just enjoy the festivities." And with those words, a giggle from Anna-Marie caught our attention.

Both Demitrey and I turned to see what caused her joy, and when we turned back, Selene was gone. Of course, what else was new?

I turned to Demitrey to ask what he thought of Selene's words, and noticed him rubbing his temple.

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