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The low chatter of patrons surrounded a cloaked girl. She anxiously clasped her chalice as she awaited her companion. Her eyes moved erratically around the tavern. She wasn't keen on being in such a congested area. The building itself was muggy and dark; it's only light source were flickering candles held up by a brass discs on each table.
      The girl impatiently tapped her foot on the ground. Her companion was taking quite long just to get a couple of meals. If a foamy cup of mead was in her hand, she wouldn't mind waiting a century. However, her tankard was long dry—one could say it resembled a desert. She muttered curses to herself; she had forgotten her coin pouch at home, so her tankard would remain empty.
      The bench across her booth creaked, halting her pity party. The girl looked up, expecting her companion, instead she was greeted by four brutish males. Her hold on her tankard's handle tightened, she was in no mood to deal with some wannabe tough-guys. One of the men grinned, showing off his yellowed teeth.
       "How're ye doing this fine night?" He kicked his chapped lips, "Such a shame that a lass like ye is all alone."
        "I'm not buzzed enough to deal with this..."
        "Such a shame you show yerself like that. Ye should try dressing more femme." The man's entourage cackled at his insult.
         "Yah, Boss! Her cloak is certainly prudish, eh? And her legs look like a jackass' hoof!"
        "Her hair is a bit too short and choppy, huh?"
         "And that mask! So unattractive." Each of the men spoke unwanted critiques; which irked the girl a far extent.
        "I didn't ask your fucking opinion, now go away."
         "This bitch bites, huh?" The leader stood, "Ye shouldn't speak like that to a pirate."
         "Oh really? You're not scary, I've seen milkmaids tougher. Now, I'll say it again, fuck off." The girl stood as well, and sent the pirate a challenging look.
            The pirate growled, grabbed the girl's hair, and slammed her head onto the table. He lifted her head back up, and laughed at her bloody face. "That should show ye, yer place."
       "Asshole!" She lowered her mask, and spat blood on his face, then kicked him in his family jewels, "Learn to have fucking respect!" The man toppled to the ground, groaning in agony.
        The pirate's lackeys held shocked countenances. Within a few seconds, they were gone and replaced with scowls. They slowly stalked forward, ready to attack the cloaked girl. Her beaten face smiled, she was happily taunting them; and one could even say she was excited for a brawl. They surrounded the girl, and many punches were thrown. She successfully incapacitated two of them, before her companion finally arrived.
"What the fuck?!" Her companion roared, "I leave you alone for ten fucking minutes, (Name)!"
        "Whatever, Katsuki! Either fuck off or help!"
The male, who was revealed to be Katsuki, removed his furred cloak, leaving him shirtless. "Only cause you asked nicely!" He pumped his fists together, the contact causing sparks to emit. He pounced forward, swiftly knocking out one of the pirates. Soon after, (Name) delivered an upper-cut, defeating the last of the foes.
(Name) wiped her brow of sweat as she smiled at her work. "Not bad, Bakugou." She pivoted on her heel, "Now, where's the food?"
"On the bar-top, dumbass."
"Shut it, Katsuki."

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The sound of feet and hooves against gravel was all that one could hear for miles. Bakugou and (Name) walked side-by-side in a forest. Bakugou held a scowl, while (Name) contently sipped her flask—even whistling on occasion.
      "Why the fuck are you so happy?" Bakugou stopped walking, "You're so fucking aggravating! We just got banned from the least shittest pub in town! You and you're stupid fights!!!"
"Oh, whateverr!" (Name) slurred, "I'm fucking buzzed right now! And look," She grabbed the edge of her cloak and held it open, which revealed several bottles of alcohol, "I stole some of their famous purple wine!"
"The fuck?" A smile cracked onto his face, "You stole some of their red wine, huh?"
"Oh, yeah! Red, not purple!" She chuckled, "Let's make a fire and get blackout drunk! It's gonna be a fucking blast!"
"The Old Hag will nag as to death. And Kirishima will bitch about it—"
(Name) threw her hand over his shoulder, "Man don't worry bout' it! We can deal with them laterr. Stop being some goody. And you still gotta bandage me up,"
"Suck it up, pussy. It stopped bleeding. And I'm not a fucking goody."
"But it hurtssss."
"Stop bitching." He snatched a bottle from her cloak and began chugging, "There's a clearing up ahead, we can stay there."
"Fuck yeah!!" (Name) wobbly jogged ahead. She plopped herself down and sat crisscrossed, "Start a fire!"
"Don't tell me what to fucking do," Nevertheless, he gathered nearby leafage, and sticks. He placed them several feet away in a pile, and used his hands to emit a small spark. The spark quickly consumed the pile, allowing a decently sized fire to form. Crackling was heard as the duo drank from their drinks. Tomorrow's them would deal with any issues sent their way; mainly the 'Old Hag's' complaints.

Published- April 23, 2019

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