~Chapter 1~

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The sound of unrhythmic humming resonated throughout a boar-hide tepee. The tepee was no larger than a bedroom, however the clutter inside made it seem as spacious as a closet. Crates full of produce and raw materials were piled around. In the center of it all was four tables, placed in a square shape. Atop those tables were dozens of alcoholic beverages, and one or two contraptions that appeared explosive.
The cause of the hum was none other than (Name), who was tinkering with a couple of materials. She sat cross-legged on one of the tables. Next to her was a half-filled bottle of honey-brandy, while on her other side were a few random screws. The tepee was relatively quiet, however the chatter from outside flowed into the area.
      "(NAMEEE)!" The peaceful aura of the room was ripped away, Bakugou stomped into the tepee, "FUCK YOU!"
       (Name) rolled her eyes and ceased her humming, "Who put a stick up your ass?"
      "It's all your fault! You fucking bitch!"
      "What's my fault, dipshit?"
       Bakugou ran a hand through his locks, a sign that he was clearly frustrated, "That old hag punishes me, but you're left unharmed! Hell, she didn't even talk your ear off!"
"What are you even being punished for?"
"For last night! We got wasted, all cause of you!"
"You're the one who started drinking, I just gave the idea." (Name) nonchalantly shrugged.
Pounding footsteps were heard from outside. Each step increased in sound, someone was sprinting toward the tepee, "(Name)! Bakugou's coming, and he's mad!" A male ran into the tepee, coming to a halt once he saw Bakugou.
        "Bakugou's here, Kirishima."
         The person who (Name) referred to as Kirishima awkwardly chuckled. He was a jovial male, with a sharp smile, figuratively and literally. His hair was a bright red, while a pair of maroon horns sprouted from it. As well as that, he had a red dragon's tail that originated from his buttock.
          "Oops, sorry." He shyly waved at Bakugou.
        "Yeah, sorry doesn't cut it shitty hair."
        "Anyways," (Name) interrupted the brewing argument, "What's the big ol' punishment?" She hopped down the table and placed what she was tinkering with in a crate, "Mama Mitsuki can't be that bad."
        "Shut up, unlike you, I'm me, and she doesn't fucking coddle me." Bakugou growled as he continued his tangent, "She decided to force me to be your little sidekick! Stupid bitch! She's rewarding you, yet punishing me!"
        (Name) merely shrugged at his words, "Whatever man, unlike you I'm no future chief of a clan. Hell, she's probably training you for your soulmate. We don't want your poor soulmate to deal with any bad antics."
      Bakugou glanced at his wrist, where his soulmate tattoo was printed. In thick letters it read, 'câu bé thô lô'. To many it seemed like a foreign language, gibberish even. However to Bakugou, he saw it as the words that would introduce him to the love of his life. "I don't give a shit about my soulmate,"
        "Mhm, I don't think your soulmate will like you either, 'rude boy'." (Name) cackled.
        "The old hag should punish you by making you get your own tattoo."
        "Woah, Bakugou you shouldn't tease her like that." Kirishima placed a hand on Bakugou's shoulder, gently squeezing it, "Let's just drop it."
"Whatever, I'm your boss from now on. Better watch your tone." (Name) sent a smirk, though a sense of dread washed over her at Bakugou's statement. She side-eyed her wrist, which unlike many, lacked a soulmate tattoo. She sighed as she collected an over-the-shoulder bag. "Let's go see Mama Mitsuki."

Published- May 4, 2019
~May the 4th be with you~

Ramé {My Hero Academia Soulmate AU; Reader x Tamaki Amajiki}Where stories live. Discover now