Chapter 16- The End?

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Time skip: 1 year
It has been a year since Naruto left to join the rest of the Jinchūriki.

Today is the day Naruto comes back from his long-term mission

"Wake up Naruto" A female voice grumbled as she tried taking the blonde off of her "No... Yugi-Chan... let me just..." He said sleepily as he rolled to the other side of the Bed. She sighed as she got up and went to change

As she came out Naruto was waiting for her "What do you want?" She asked "So this is the end of our squad huh?" She simply nodded "It was fun" He stood up and stretched "But, just so you know I will be visiting you and B" Yugito just scoffed "Fun? What fun?"

"The reason we had to get our own room" Naruto winked at her as she turned bright red and he went into the bathroom "Idiot" Yugito mumbled.

The other two Jinchūriki were listening. Well, one was and the other was leaning against the wall. "Oh damn, yo he told her to go!" The Eight tails Jinchūriki rapped "No... he didn't, B" The one tails container told the other "Cmon Gaara, you ruining my flow, ya know?" Gaara sighed "I might now say it, but I'm gonna miss you Gaara" B said, normally "Yea, And even if I don't say it I'm gonna miss your rapping" B comically started crying "Oh Gaara! I don't wanna leave!"

"What are you two doing outside of our room?" Asked a pretty pissed Yugito "Waiting for you two love birds to get out" Gaara quickly replied and Yugito once again, blushed

"Whatever, Naruto is about to get out anyways. We're gonna go get food I'm guessing?" The two tails Jinchūriki said

"Good because I'm starving!" Came the cheery voice of Naruto.


As the squad was making their way to the Bbq restaurant they were reminiscing the past 2 years

"If it wasn't for this squad, we would all be dead. The akatskui was a formidable opponent, ya know?" Yugito fake gasped "You can use words like that?" Naruto lightly glared at her "The crazy guy and the 1000000000 year old guy were the hardest to defeat. What were their names? Kasuzi and Haren?" Naruto said "Tobi, was definitely the most difficult to defeat. We some how did it but we beat the shit out of him"

Flash back

"So, you Jinchūriki came straight to me eh? Looks like my job just got a whole easier." The masked man said

"Listen up here. We've come here to get rid of you, we already got rid of your other friends." Naruto said as he got into a fighting position

The masked man also did the same, and they charged at each other. Naruto was able to keep up with the masked man despite him having the Sharingan and Naruto not being in KCM form

"Naruto you idiot! He's the strongest of all members!" Yugito shouted at her fellow blonde. The masked masked man chuckled as Naruto spit a Jutsu at him and it was sucked in by a vortex.

"I'll help, ya fool!" The Hachibi came out but soon was going against its own user. "B! Look at its eyes!" Yugito quickly said and when they did it had the same design that the masked man had on his left eye

"The Sharingan can control Bijuu? That's broken!" Naruto exclaimed as Gaaras sand went to grab the man but it just fazed through him.

Naruto turned gold and rushed the man punching his mask, effectively cracking it. "Hm. Rinnegan... I knew I should've destroyed him body!" The masked man just chuckled

"I, Tobi, will destroy you!" The man now identified as Tobi shouted "Almighty Push!" He pushed everyone back but Yugito and B weren't lucky as Gaara and Naruto as they hit two lone trees.

"Great! The climax has to kick in now doesn't it? Screw you author!" Naruto shouted as four walls just randomly broke

"Oh? Two of your teammates down? This makes things a whole lot easier" Tobi Chuckled but was enveloped by sand but just walked out of it.

"Universal pull" The two Jinchūrikis were dragged towards Tobi. Sand enveloped Tobi once again and once again, he walked through it but was met with a surprise

"RASENGAN!" Tobi was hit and went spiraling back and hit another tree "Nice one Gaara! Now if we do that with a more deadly Ju-" Naruto was stabbed in the stomach with a sword that came from Tobi. He dropped to his knees and spit blood.

"Damn you Tobi." He said as he collapsed forward making the sword go deeper. "NARUTO!" Gaara shouted "Sand Tsunami!" The ground started rumbling as sand started to form and become a huge wave.

"You fool. You're own anger made you kill your friends." Gaara glared at him "You're the only one that is not going to be walking out of this!" The wave crashed into the man as again, it went through him

'Damn, they are pushing it... I'm almost at my limit' One man thought

'You should be able to heal this quick right? I'm using your chakra so it should heal faster'  Another thought

Naruto groaned as he slowly pulled the sword out and blood started pouring out of the wound. 'K-Kuruma... there's a lot of blood pouring out hurr-' Naruto collapsed again 'Its not possible for this to happen... the body doesn't work like this' The wound started to smoke and it finally closed. Naruto coughed and slowly stood up.

"Sorry to keep you waiting Gaara. Had some problems. But I figured out how to beat him" Naruto whispered to his teammate

Gaara nodded. Naruto charged at Tobi with his full speed catching him off guard and punched him in his gut. Then kicked him away but he saw something shining. Said enemy started coughing blood "Damn... you're good. Real good." Naruto put his sword down in his sheath and a deep slash was created across Tobis chest

"Gah!" Tobi shouted as he started coughing more blood and fell to the ground "You goddamn prodigy! You fucking stupid quick thinking bitch! I was suppose to kill you! Bring peace to this world!" Naruto only chuckled, cockily

"What peace are you gonna bring of us Jinchūriki already joined forces? We were spilt as a team to take you down" Naruto walked over to Tobi and stepped on him and deactivated his chakra form and unsheathed his sword

"Next time, make sure the peace you look for isn't destroying everyone else" And with that, Tobi, or as you readers know Obito Uchiha. Was killed, by Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze

Flashback end

Naruto sighed happily. The team was down eating and Naruto had his arm around Yugitos shoulder

"Say, Yugi-Chan. Why don't you stay over at Konoha for a while?" Yugito lightly punched him "You know I can't. I gotta report back to the Raikage" Naruto sighed as he looked up and saw a hawk

The hawk landed on his shoulder and gave him a scroll he opened the scroll and read it. His grip tightened on the scroll and his eyes started watering

The scroll read

Minato Namikaze has been pronounced dead by our scouting shinobi.

Ruthlessly killed by a Shinobi with a weird aura and chakra that spit out malice

Naruto, come back to the village and get rid of this Shinobi as soon as possible



Well, the end of the book is on its way.

Do you think I should've killed Obito like that? Or one of the Jinchūrikis should've died

Or did you think killing Minato off was a good choice?

Anyways, see you next chapter

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