I'm scared that something will happen to everyone now that they're all gone and I can't protect them.
I'm scared of Mother and Father.
I'm scared that The Man In Black and Traitor are gunna come back.
I'm scared that The Man In White is gunna try and come here and touch me again.
I'm scared because I'm not safe.
I'm scared I'll never we safe again.
I'm scared I won't be able to protect the people I care about.
I'm scared the people I care about don't feel the same for me.
I'm scared because I'm alone.
I'm scared because I know that Traitor will come back.
I'm scared because The Man In White might try and go further than he's ever gone.
I'm scared because The Man In Black will come back with Traitor.
I'm scared because I'm not safe.
I'm scared because I'm alone.
I'm scared because the only people who want me with them want to hurt me.
I'm scared because I don't want to be in the scary place again.
I'm scared because I don't want to be a battery again.
I'm scared because I don't want to forget again.
I'm scared...
I'm scared because I want to listen to the voice.
I'm scared because I only have the voice left.
I'm scared because I'm bad.
I'm bad.