Distant Memory (Part 2)

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Peter looked towards the new professor, taking a nervous breath as he bowed his head and slowly took his seat next to Ned, who gave him a questioning look. Grabbing his pens and notebook, Peter wrote something down before he gave it to his friend, staring towards the boy as he watched his confused look turn into a look of amusement. So Ned had found it funny that he had woken up late because he got home late from being Spiderman. He himself didn't find it very funny. 

Now looking towards the front of the class, the new professor began to speak, Peter still trying to figure out where he had seen the man in front of him from before. He had asked Ned if he was a supply from the past, but that was a no. There had o be some reason for Peter to remember this guy, right? Maybe his name will help.

"Good morning class, as you can see I am not your usual Professor Mr Harrington. He has had to leave due to illness." That voice, Peter knew it just who is this guy? "My name is Stephen Westcott, I am your new Science Professor and Decathlon teacher. Any questions on new tournaments, ask me or your head Miss Michelle Jones."

Stephen Westcott, now it all came back to Peter. Sitting silently, Peter was now in shock, he felt sick. It was as though the memories hit him like a building collapsing on him. He tried to focus, maybe they weren't the same guy. Maybe they were just someone who looked and sounded like the Stephen Westcott he knew. It had to be that. He was sure the one he knew moved away years ago after what he had done to Peter, after sexually abusing Peter while he was 'babysitting' him for May. 

"Now when I call your names, raise your hand and explain what your hobbies are, and what is your favourite science." going through the list of names, everyone had different choices, different hobbies and most of all, different tastes in things. Then It came to his name, Peters dreaded name. Or so he thought. 

"Peter Rodgers-Stark?" he said and Peters' head shot up, he forgot after May died his dads changed his last name in school. raising his hand he slowly began to speak. 

"I like to work with my dad and uncle in science labs, and my favourite science is robotic science." Quickly looking at his desk, Mr Westcott nodded and then smirked, looking down at his book. 

"You have detention during lunch, Mr Rodgers-Stark, for being late. I don't care if you have an excuse, now everyone completes the equations I am passing through the class." Peter stared wide eyes, he had only gotten detention once in his life and that was because of Spiderman duties, and now he has it again. His parents were going to be alerted, his pops was going to kill him. 

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