17. The butterfly effect

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TW- talk of physical abuse

The next morning i'm awake, dressed and ready for the day within half an hour. Hermione is still asleep with half her makeup still on after a poor attempt to wash it off. We did get in here at about two in morning, in fairness to her.

I had a look through the album before bed when I was 100% certain that Hermione was asleep. As I had my final look through, I flicked through the blank parchment. I saw something glimmering. Hidden in the back of the book, a silver necklace with a heart charm, hung down the page. While taking it out, some old torn parchment fell out. I picked them up and scaned through them. The first few we're ideas, little sketches of the front cover. Slowly they turned into some thoughts that Harry was trying to piece togther.

'I know I can't have her, but I want her to be mine'. My first thought was Romilda, that he wrote them instead of telling my brother and Hermione, but as I carried on though the scraps it became clearer. They were directed at me. 'Her hair like a deep sunset, flowing in the wind like a phoenix in flight'.

Coming out of my thoughts, I clutch the book tightly to my chest and make my way to where Harry is sleeping. I turn to walk down the corridor leading to Rons door. I knock on the wood lightly before slowly opening the door.

"Harry?" I whisper.

"Come in," he groans rolling over, "turn the light off." I smirk, closing the door behind me.

The room now only lit by the slither of light escaping from underneath the curtain. Squinting to try help me see better, I notice Rons bed is empty. It doesn't even look slept in. I perch on the end of Harrys bed, shaking his leg lightly.

"Wake up sleepy head." Harry groans again before turning back, facing me. He squints his eyes.

"Ginny?" Harry scrambles to get his glasses from the table beside him. When he puts them on he smiles, "Hi Gin."

I chuckle lightly, "hello Harry." I place the album down on the floor beside my feet. I hear shuffling, turning to see Harry leaning up against the headboard.

"Are you alright?" He asks tilting his head. I start playing with my fingers, remembering why I'm in here. My stomach starts to turn, I look up to the ceiling looking for a distraction. "Am I making you uncomfortable? Here i'll..." Harry gets out of bed, picking up a t-shirt from the floor.

"No, i- I didn't even realise you weren't," I press my palm against my head, how has this gone so wrong already. I stand up heading towards the door. Harry takes hold of my hand spinning me back around.

"You came here for a reason. I'd like to know why." He says softly, leading me back to his bed.

We sit in silence for a while as I think of the impact this will cause. "I think i'm ready to talk about what I showed you on the train."

"Are you sure?" The concern filled in Harrys voice pains me. I nod, playing with my fingers.

"It started back in early September. It wasn't physical yet, more arguments and empty threats. But it was as if the more we spoke and saw each other, even though I was dating Dean, she got bitter. Started to become more open with how much she hated me," taking a few deep breaths I continue, "the more open she was with how she felt, the more she lashed out. The first time she grabbed me was around late September, she noticed I didn't tell anyone. Which made her do it more, eventually to the point were it was every time she spoke to me."

Harry cautiously places his hand on my leg, stopping it from shaking. He then puts his other hand on top of mine. Taking my fingers in between mine. Giving me an encouraging squeeze.

"I started to become more closed off about it. About everything in general. Romilda got more and more aggressive over the littlest things. It could've been one of my friends asking about you and she'd blame me. Her grip got harder and harder each time. As if she got a kick out of it, like it was mine and hers little secret. The nails started on Halloween, at the common room 'gathering'. Shoving her nails in so deep sometimes it would bleed, and as you saw, could also scar."

Harry takes his hand off my leg, I see in my peripheral he rubs his head. "Could you please look at me?" I shake my head, feeling my eyes starting to burn. A lump forming in my throat. "Please Gin... please look at me." I slowly lift my gaze to meet his, I squeeze his hand. He presses his forehead against mine. "Why didn't you talk to me about it, before you became closed off I mean, when it was just the shouting." Harry whispers.

The unexpected creaking sounds of the house makes us both flinch. I mentally thank everyone who's just woken up. Knowing that our conversation will be forced to end soon. "I didn't want to say anything in case it ruined things. You seemed genuinely happy and I didn't want to step in the way of that."

"Nothing, and I mean nothing , is more important to me than your safety Gin. I'm glad you opened up to me about it." Harry tilts his head away then lifts my chin with his fingers. My eyes rest on his. "I'm proud of you." He says softly.

"Thank you." Multiple footsteps and voices sound on the other side of the door.

Knowing its only a matter of time before Ron or someone else walks in, I let go of Harrys hand and stand up. I pick up the album off the floor, hugging it to my chest again. Opening the door I face Harry again, "it's a cute necklace. Goes well with my sunset coloured hair." I close the door swiftly behind me, smirking to myself. Making my way back to my room, where hopefully Hermione is awake.

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