Chapter 11

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Y/n: Argh!

The flame had hit you in the abdomen. You were bleeding profusely at this point.

Cinder relized her mistake and panicked. She quickly picked you up and ran back to her mistress.

Cinder: Shit! Shit! Shit!

Cinder had ran through the big doors and saw her mistress at her throne. Salem quickly stood up.

Salen: What have you done?

Cinder: Uh.. Uh... Sorry..?

Salem: I am very disappointed in the way you handled that situation.

And with a snap of he fingers you were healed.

You let out a sigh of relief as you had almost died.

Team RWBY Pov

Team RWBY were not doing well... They hadnt slept for weeks.

They were living off snacks and energy drinks.

They had not found a single clue as to where Y/n was.

They were quite depressed their grades had fallen and they have blocked out everyone in their social life.

*Loud Speaker*: Would team RWBY please report to Professor Ozpins office. Thank you.


Yang: What do you think Ozpin needs us for?

Ruby: I dont know...

Team RWBY opens the door to Ozpins office.

Ozpin: Team RWBY I have the location of Y/n.

RWBY: WHAT?!?!?!

Ozpin: Yes surprising indeed but it is too dangerous for you to get him.

Yang: Yea ok like anything is too dangerous for us.

Blake: We can handle ourselves.

Ozpin: So I assume you can take down Salem and her minions. Correct?

Yang: Wait SALEM has Y/n?

Weiss: Wait... Why would Salem want Y/n?

Ozpin: Y/n is the last of his species he is very valuable. She tends to make clones and make an army out of Nekos.

To be continued...


A/n: Sorry this took so long didnt expect to be so busy this week sorry its short but its something.

The Curious Cat (RWBY x Neko!M!Reader) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now