Chapter 14: Breach

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[Two Days Later]

Me: "The situation is as follows, I am against three attackers, two men one female. One man is wielding a blade, approximately 38 inches, in one hand. The other male carries a bow and a quiver of arrows, the arrows count approximately 20. The female is not visibly armed but is positioned to the back of the group, behind the archer, and has a distinct magical aura around her. What equipment and tactics do you suggest?"

Aurora: "I would suggest a sword and shield. The sword should match the length of the opponent's, assuming each enemy is human the metal will not need any special properties except being able to withstand moderate force and striking damage. The shield should be large enough to prevent pinpoint shooting from the archer while also not restricting movement. The shield should have elemental magic resistance along with physical durability. As for the attack strategy you should deal with the archer first, then deal with the swordsman, afterwards you should be able to deal with the magic caster fairly quick."

I thought for a moment.

Me: "It would be a good approach. However I would've gone with a projectile first, take out the magic caster before the rest. Then switch to a sword with a quick attack speed, preferably a rapier, to dispatch the last two. The magic caster could have support magic, such as healing or being able to strengthen her allies."

Aurora was silent for a moment.

Aurora: "Your fighting technique seems to completely disregard basic self preservation thoughts, why is that?"

Me: "Aurora. Analyze my bone density, muscle structure, and my frontal lobe."

Aurora: "One moment... Odd... everything seems normal on the surface... however each area you have told me to examine is extremely disproportionate to its intended strength. Bone is known to be stronger then it seems, however yours is 82.7% stronger than average. And the same is true to your muscles. While they seem normal, maybe slightly below average for someone of your weight and height, it seems your muscle is 94.5% stronger then what it should be for the amount you have. As for your frontal lobe, which controls memory along with other functions, it seems it is functioning well past its limit. It seems it's stored so much memory that it should've forced out some other memories. Odd."

Me: "My mind and body have surpassed all normal limitations. I can go years without food, water or sleep. My body is in the state it was when I first traveled to another dimension. Inter-dimensional travel evidently ceases aging and growth, along with normal bodily decay. I will outlive everything I've come to know. This is why I have no sense of self preservation, why I have no fear of what happens to me."

Aurora: "That is... quite sad..."

Me: "So I've been told. I think that's enough for the situation tests. Let's work on something else."

Aurora: "I suggest a break from tests and projects for the time being. It has been 26 hours since you last had food or a drink of any kind. Perhaps a trip to the city or cafeteria is in order."

I sighed.

Me: "Seeing as you'll suggest that every 10 minutes until I do it, I guess so."

Aurora: "I am happy you are becoming accustomed to being cared for."

[Time Skip, Brought to You by Chibi Nalalie Enjoying a Crêpe]

After locating a diner I walked in and was immediately sat in a booth. The place was near empty and looked a bit neglected.

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