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"here's how it's gonna go, I'm going read truth and dare's from my phone-"

"What's a phone?"

"that's something I can explain later Shippō, anyway we have ours first one! *looks around* hmm we don't have Sesshomaru..."

"What do need the bastard for?"

"* smirks * Aww you know you love him!"

"* blushes* W-what?!?"

"*giggles* so cute! *Inuyasha turns away from me still blushing*"

One hour later

"Got him! Mission complete!"

"You will untie me now mortal!".... Tieing him up was the only way to get him here...

"Later I promise!" My Fingers are crossed! Hehe! "Now then, you are now playing truth or dare with us and there are some truths for you to answer!"

"What is this truth or dare?"

"Oh! I forgot to explain to you! *explains*"

"And what makes you think I would participate in this?"

"Oh? How about I talk about what I overheard you say to Inuyasha at the river?"


"Okay! Now the first question is from Fangirl34714 it asks what are your feelings on the group?"

"Why do you want my opinion about useless humans?"

"Sesshomaru..." The threat clean in my voice

"*sighs*The Slayer is a very capable demon Slayer, her skills are...impressive. The monk technics are very helpful. The Miko is very strange but I guess have SOME use when it comes to battle. The fox kit requires training instead of being babied by humans. Inuyasha is stronger then I thought and is a worthy opponent *Inuyasha blushes*..."

"What about me?"

Sesshomaru glares at me, "you are a nuisance."

"I thought you'll say that, okay we have another truth from Fangirl34714 asking if you could only pick between Inuyasha and Kagome who would you choose?"

"Obviously Inuyasha, the Miko is a annoyance, It's a wonder how anyone could pull up with her."

"Tell me about it..."


"Untie me NOW."

"...Fine.*unties Sesshomaru*"

"You WILL pay for tieing me up!"

*Runs behind Inuyasha* "thank you Fangirl34714 for the questions!"

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